Piszel, Paige E.’s team published research in Angewandte Chemie, International Edition in 2019 | CAS: 23783-42-8

Angewandte Chemie, International Edition published new progress about Alcohols Role: RCT (Reactant), RACT (Reactant or Reagent). 23783-42-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol, and the molecular formula is C9H20O5, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks.

Piszel, Paige E. published the artcileOxidative Amide Coupling from Functionally Diverse Alcohols and Amines Using Aerobic Copper/Nitroxyl Catalysis, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks, the main research area is amide preparation; amine alc oxidative coupling copper ABNO catalyst; aerobic oxidation; amide coupling; copper; cross-coupling; homogeneous catalysis.

The aerobic Cu/ABNO catalyzed oxidative coupling of alcs. and amines was highlighted in the synthesis of amides e.g. I in diverse drug-like mols. (ABNO = 9-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane N-oxyl). The robust method leverages the privileged reactivity of alcs. bearing electroneg. hetero- atoms (O, F, N, Cl) in the Β-position. The reaction tolerated over 20 unique functional groups and was demonstrated on a 15 mmol scale under air. Steric constraints of the catalyst allowed for chemoselective amidation of primary amines in the presence of secondary amines. All catalyst components were com. available, and the reaction proceeded under mild conditions with retention of stereocenters in both reaction partners, while producing only water as a byproduct.

Angewandte Chemie, International Edition published new progress about Alcohols Role: RCT (Reactant), RACT (Reactant or Reagent). 23783-42-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol, and the molecular formula is C9H20O5, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Kosco, Jan’s team published research in Advanced Materials (Weinheim, Germany) in 2022-06-02 | CAS: 23783-42-8

Advanced Materials (Weinheim, Germany) published new progress about Charge transfer state. 23783-42-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol, and the molecular formula is C9H20O5, Related Products of ethers-buliding-blocks.

Kosco, Jan published the artcileOligoethylene Glycol Side Chains Increase Charge Generation in Organic Semiconductor Nanoparticles for Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution, Related Products of ethers-buliding-blocks, the main research area is conjugated polymer glycolation organic semiconductor nanoparticle photocatalytic hydrogen evolution; hydrogen; nanoparticles; organic semiconductors; photocatalysts; solar fuels.

Organic semiconductor nanoparticles (NPs) composed of an electron donor/acceptor (D/A) semiconductor blend have recently emerged as an efficient class of hydrogen-evolution photocatalysts. It is demonstrated that using conjugated polymers functionalized with (oligo)ethylene glycol side chains in NP photocatalysts can greatly enhance their H2-evolution efficiency compared to their nonglycolated analogs. The strategy is broadly applicable to a range of structurally diverse conjugated polymers. Transient spectroscopic studies show that glycolation facilitates charge generation even in the absence of a D/A heterojunction, and further suppresses both geminate and nongeminate charge recombination in D/A NPs. This results in a high yield of photogenerated charges with lifetimes long enough to efficiently drive ascorbic acid oxidation, which is correlated with greatly enhanced H2-evolution rates in the glycolated NPs. Glycolation increases the relative permittivity of the semiconductors and facilitates water uptake. Together, these effects may increase the high-frequency relative permittivity inside the NPs sufficiently, to cause the observed suppression of exciton and charge recombination responsible for the high photocatalytic activities of the glycolated NPs.

Advanced Materials (Weinheim, Germany) published new progress about Charge transfer state. 23783-42-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol, and the molecular formula is C9H20O5, Related Products of ethers-buliding-blocks.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Kang, Hongjae’s team published research in Combustion and Flame in 2019-12-31 | CAS: 143-24-8

Combustion and Flame published new progress about Compression (heating). 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks.

Kang, Hongjae published the artcileA mixture of hydrogen peroxide and tetraglyme as a green energetic monopropellant, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks, the main research area is hydrogen peroxide tetraglyme green energetic monopropellant.

An effort is presented to seek a promising candidate for a green energetic monopropellant based on hydrogen peroxide. The novel premixed monopropellant is composed of 90 weight% H2O2 as the oxidizer and tetraglyme (C10H22O5) as the fuel. Different mixture ratios were prepared by varying the weight percentage of the fuel in the mixture, and the mixtures were named HPM-08 (8 weight% of fuel), HPM-12 (12 weight% of fuel), and HPM-20 (20 weight% of fuel). The theor. performance of the mixtures was estimated, and their thermostability in air was evaluated via thermogravimetric anal. A small-scale packed-bed catalytic reactor was utilized to assess the feasibility of the catalytic ignition of HPM-08 with a lanthanum-doped manganese oxide catalyst. Ground hot-firing tests were implemented with an engineering model monopropellant thruster on the scale of 10 N. The demonstrations of the thruster operation using HPM-08 and HPM-12 were successful, but an explosion was caused in the case of HPM-20. In this study, the configuration of the catalyst bed was regarded as the principal factor in the triggering of detonation in the thruster module. The packed-bed-type catalyst bed containing millimeter-scale pellets may accelerate the phenomenon of deflagration-to-detonation transition, resulting from the rapid compressive heating process based on the superposition of the pressure waves.

Combustion and Flame published new progress about Compression (heating). 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Liu, Tie’s team published research in Nano Research in 2019-03-31 | CAS: 143-24-8

Nano Research published new progress about Electric conductivity. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, COA of Formula: C10H22O5.

Liu, Tie published the artcileWell-defined carbon nanoframes containing bimetal-N-C active sites as efficient bi-functional electrocatalysts for Li-O2 batteries, COA of Formula: C10H22O5, the main research area is nitrogen doped carbon nanoframe bifunctional electrocatalyst lithium oxygen battery.

Design and fabrication of framework-structured porous precursors have been regarded as a prospective albeit challenging strategy to obtain bimetal/NC-enriched bifunctional electrocatalysts. In this work, an effective bottom-up approach involving solution-based self-assembly and a post-annealing process was developed to confine (Co, Zn)-N-C active sites into N-enriched graphitic carbon nanocages. This novel architecture containing N-doped-C stabilized bimetallic nanoparticles derived from ZIF precursors was well-studied by a series of characterization and anal. techniques. Details were given that these well-dispersed (Co, Zn) nanoparticles were encapsulated into the pyridinic-N-dominated graphitic carbon nanocage with a total metal loading of approx. 7.4 at.%. This favorable hierarchical structure not only enhances the electron conductivity, but also owns a sufficient BET surface area facilitating the gas-liquid-solid triphase reaction and producing more space to store discharge products. Importantly, results infer that the interesting nanoframes manifests a satisfying ORR/OER activity and enhanced cell performance whether liquid or solid-state electrolytes are used. As such, our work rationalizes that this type of cage-shaped bimetal-N-C material is promising for high-performance Li-O2 batteries. [Figure not available: see fulltext.].

Nano Research published new progress about Electric conductivity. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, COA of Formula: C10H22O5.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Yang, Hongfen’s team published research in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry in 2021-06-10 | CAS: 23783-42-8

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry published new progress about Antibacterial agents. 23783-42-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol, and the molecular formula is C9H20O5, Application In Synthesis of 23783-42-8.

Yang, Hongfen published the artcileA Modular Synthetic Route Involving N-Aryl-2-nitrosoaniline Intermediates Leads to a New Series of 3-Substituted Halogenated Phenazine Antibacterial Agents, Application In Synthesis of 23783-42-8, the main research area is halogenated phenazine preparation nitrosoaniline infection antibacterial SAR.

Pathogenic bacteria demonstrate incredible abilities to evade conventional antibiotics through the development of resistance and formation of dormant, surface-attached biofilms. Therefore, agents that target and eradicate planktonic and biofilm bacteria are of significant interest. We explored a new series of halogenated phenazines (HP) through the use of N-aryl-2-nitrosoaniline synthetic intermediates that enabled functionalization of the 3-position of this scaffold. Several HPs demonstrated potent antibacterial and biofilm-killing activities (e.g., HP I, against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: MIC = 0.075μM; MBEC = 2.35μM), and transcriptional anal. revealed that HPs II, III, and I induce rapid iron starvation in MRSA biofilms. Several HPs demonstrated excellent activities against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (HP 34, MIC = 0.80μM against CDC1551). This work established new SAR insights, and HP I demonstrated efficacy in dorsal wound infection models in mice. Encouraged by these findings, we believe that HPs could lead to significant advances in the treatment of challenging infections.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry published new progress about Antibacterial agents. 23783-42-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol, and the molecular formula is C9H20O5, Application In Synthesis of 23783-42-8.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Kim, Jinuk’s team published research in Energy & Environmental Science in 2022 | CAS: 143-24-8

Energy & Environmental Science published new progress about Batteries (seawater). 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Application In Synthesis of 143-24-8.

Kim, Jinuk published the artcileDesigning fluorine-free electrolytes for stable sodium metal anodes and high-power seawater batteries via SEI reconstruction, Application In Synthesis of 143-24-8, the main research area is fluorine electrolyte sodium metal anode SEI power seawater battery.

Fluorine (F) is regarded as a key element in electrolytes for sodium metal anodes (SMAs) because of the formation of NaF containing solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) layers; however, the high-cost and HF formation issues experienced by F-based electrolytes should be addressed. Herein, F-free, cost-effective 1 M NaBH4/ether-based electrolytes are proposed, motivated by the recent speculation that NaH is a “”good SEI layer””. The time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) results of sodium metal electrodes after galvanostatic cycling demonstrated that NaH is a major component of the SEI layer. In addition, the native oxide surface of sodium was converted into NaH and NaBO2 after soaking in the electrolytes, implying that “”SEI reconstruction”” occurred by chem. reduction Accordingly, significantly longer cyclability was obtained in the NaNa sym. cell (1200 h, 1 mA cm-2, 1 mA h cm-2) than in F-based electrolytes. In seawater batteries (SWBs), 1 M NaBH4/DEGDME (diethylene glycol di-Me ether) delivers higher power d. (2.82 mW cm-2vs. 2.27 mW cm-2) and cyclability (300 h vs. 50 h) under 1 mA cm-2 than 1 M NaOTf/TEGDME (tetraethylene glycol di-Me ether), which is commonly used in SWBs. In conclusion, two novel contributions of this study include the demonstration that NaH can work as a “”good SEI layer”” apart from NaF and the proposal of a cost-effective, F-free electrolyte for practical and large-scale SWBs.

Energy & Environmental Science published new progress about Batteries (seawater). 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Application In Synthesis of 143-24-8.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Brilloni, Alessandro’s team published research in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces in 2021-03-24 | CAS: 143-24-8

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces published new progress about Battery electrolytes. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Safety of 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane.

Brilloni, Alessandro published the artcileImproving the Electrical Percolating Network of Carbonaceous Slurries by Superconcentrated Electrolytes: An Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Study, Safety of 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, the main research area is carbonaceous slurry superconcentrated electrolyte electrode electrochem impedance; electrical percolating network; electrochemical impedance spectroscopy; optical fluorescence microscopy; semisolid redox flow battery; semisolid slurry; semisolid slurry viscosity; superconcentrated electrolyte.

Semisolid redox flow batteries simultaneously address the need for high energy d. and design flexibility. The elec. percolating network and electrochem. stability of the flowable electrodes are key features that are required to fully exploit the chem. of the semisolid slurries. Superconcd. electrolytes are getting much attention for their wide electrochem. stability window that can be exploited to design high-voltage batteries. Here, we report on the effect of the ion concentration of superconcd. electrolytes on the electronic percolating network of carbonaceous slurries. Slurries based on different concentrations of lithium bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonamide in tetraethylene glycol di-Me ether (0.5, 3, and 5 mol/kg) at different content of Pureblack carbon (from 2 up to 12 wt %) have been investigated. The study was carried out by coupling electrochem. impedance spectroscopy (EIS), optical fluorescence microscopy, and rheol. measurements. A model that describes the complexity and heterogeneity of the semisolid fluids by multiple conductive branches is also proposed. For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, we demonstrate that besides their recognized high electrochem. stability, superconcd. electrolytes enable more stable and electronically conductive slurry. Indeed, the high ionic strength of the superconcd. solution shields interparticle interactions and enables better carbon dispersion and connections.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces published new progress about Battery electrolytes. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Safety of 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Mutlu, Tutku’s team published research in Electrochimica Acta in 2021-09-10 | CAS: 143-24-8

Electrochimica Acta published new progress about Battery electrolytes. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, SDS of cas: 143-24-8.

Mutlu, Tutku published the artcileCarbonate or ether based electrolyte for Li-Se batteries: An in-situ study of intermediate polyselenide formation, SDS of cas: 143-24-8, the main research area is carbonate ether electrolyte lithium selenium battery intermediate polyselenide formation.

Li-Se batteries have recently been considered as one of the most promising battery systems to satisfy the future energy storage needs. However, to further improve the electrochem. cell performances, understanding of the Li-Se cell working mechanism, especially focusing on the formation of dissolved Li polyselenides, is essential. An in-situ study of intermediate polyselenide formation based on the 4-electrode cycling voltammetry (CV) and 3-electrode electrochem. impedance spectroscopy (EIS) were used to detect the existence of polyselenides in carbonate and ether-based electrolytes. CV measurements reveal dissolved polyselenide intermediate formations in ether-based solvent while no signatures are observed in carbonate-based electrolytes. Similar findings are also observed by EIS measurements as well as studying the self-discharge behavior. Therefore, these two electrochem. characterizations can be easily implemented as prompt and cost-effective techniques to study the impact of the electrolyte solvents. Contrary to the Li-S counterparts, the outcome of the work suggests that carbonate-based electrolytes can be simply employed in the field of Li-Se batteries.

Electrochimica Acta published new progress about Battery electrolytes. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, SDS of cas: 143-24-8.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Soga, Shuhei’s team published research in Journal of the Electrochemical Society in 2020-06-30 | CAS: 143-24-8

Journal of the Electrochemical Society published new progress about Battery electrolytes. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, HPLC of Formula: 143-24-8.

Soga, Shuhei published the artcileAmbient air operation rechargeable lithium-air battery with acetic acid catholyte, HPLC of Formula: 143-24-8, the main research area is rechargeable lithium air battery acetic acid catholyte.

Lithium-air batteries are expected as next-generation secondary batteries for elec. vehicles because of their high energy d. In particular, an aqueous lithium-air battery that uses an aqueous electrolyte has advantages such as a high power d. and availability of operation under an air atm. Here, we show the feasibility of an acidic aqueous lithium-air battery that consists of a lithium anode, a lithium-ion conducting liquid interlayer, a solid lithium-ion conductor separator of Li1.4Al0.4Ge0.2Ti1.4(PO4)3, an acetic acid catholyte, and a fuel cell-analogous air electrode. The theor. energy d. of this system based on the masses of the lithium anode, oxygen, and acetic acid is 1340 Wh kg-1. This system was successfully cycled at 0.2 mA cm-2 for 5 h polarization and room temperature under an air atm. for 30 cycles.

Journal of the Electrochemical Society published new progress about Battery electrolytes. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, HPLC of Formula: 143-24-8.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Lin, Qiaowei’s team published research in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics in 2021 | CAS: 143-24-8

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics published new progress about Battery electrolytes. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, SDS of cas: 143-24-8.

Lin, Qiaowei published the artcileHigh-performance lithium-sulfur batteries enabled by regulating Li2S deposition, SDS of cas: 143-24-8, the main research area is indium tin oxide lithium sulfur battery.

Lithium-sulfur batteries (LSBs) have received intensive attention in recent years due to their high theor. energy d. derived from the lithiation of sulfur. In the discharge process, sulfur transforms into lithium polysulfides (LiPSs) that dissolve in liquid electrolytes and then into insoluble Li2S precipitated on the electrode surface. The electronically and ionically insulating Li2S leads to two critical issues, including the sluggish reaction kinetics from LiPSs to Li2S and the passivation of the electrode. In this regard, controlling the Li2S deposition is significant for improving the performance of LSBs. In this perspective, we have summarized the recent achievements in regulating the Li2S deposition to enhance the performance of LSBs, including the solution-mediated growth of Li2S, sulfur host enhanced nucleation and catalysis induced kinetic improvement. Moreover, the challenges and possibilities for future research studies are discussed, highlighting the significance of regulating the Li2S deposition to realize the high electrochem. performance and promote the practical uses of LSBs.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics published new progress about Battery electrolytes. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, SDS of cas: 143-24-8.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem