Tamegart, Lahcen et al. published their research in Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology in 2022 | CAS: 33171-05-0

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Esters perform as high-grade solvents for a broad array of plastics, plasticizers, resins, and lacquers, and are one of the largest classes of synthetic lubricants on the commercial market. Acyl chlorides and acid anhydrides alcoholysis is another way to produce esters. Acyl chlorides and acid anhydrides react with alcohols to produce esters. Anydrous conditions are recommended since both acyl chlorides and acid anhydrides react with water.Recommanded Product: Bisdemethoxycurcumin

Study of the neurochemical alterations produced by acute and subchronic Pb-exposure in Meriones shawi: Immunohistochemical study of Reissners fiber secretion by the subcommissural organ after curcumin-III treatment was written by Tamegart, Lahcen;Abbaoui, Abdellatif;Laabbar, Wafaa;Oukhrib, Mjid;Bouyatas, My Mustapha;Gamrani, Halima. And the article was included in Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology in 2022.Recommanded Product: Bisdemethoxycurcumin The following contents are mentioned in the article:

Lead neurotoxicity is associated with numerous alterations including behavioral and neurochem. disruptions. This study evaluates the possible neurochem. disruption in the subcommissural organ (SCO) after acute (three days) and subchronic (six weeks) Pb-exposure inMeriones shawi, and the possible effect of the third active compound, curcumin-III, in mitigating the neurol. alterations caused by lead exposure. Using immunohistochem. stainings, we evaluated the Reissners fiber (RF) secretion utilizing RF-antibody in the SCO. We compared both acute (25 mg/kg bw of Pb i.p. for 3 days) and subchronic (3 g/l of Pb in drinking water for six weeks) Pb-treatedMeriones shawi. The two models of lead exposure showed a significant increase in RF level in the SCO. Conversely, co-treatment with Curcumin-III at a dose of 30 mg/kg bw significantly ameliorate SCO secretory activity, as revealed by decreased RF-immunoreactivity. Together, our findings suggest the protective effects of Curcumin-III in regulating the secretory activity of the SCO after Pb-induced neuroanatomical disruptions of the SCO in Meriones. This study involved multiple reactions and reactants, such as Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0Recommanded Product: Bisdemethoxycurcumin).

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Esters perform as high-grade solvents for a broad array of plastics, plasticizers, resins, and lacquers, and are one of the largest classes of synthetic lubricants on the commercial market. Acyl chlorides and acid anhydrides alcoholysis is another way to produce esters. Acyl chlorides and acid anhydrides react with alcohols to produce esters. Anydrous conditions are recommended since both acyl chlorides and acid anhydrides react with water.Recommanded Product: Bisdemethoxycurcumin

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Liu, Yinglin et al. published their research in Journal of Molecular Liquids in 2021 | CAS: 33171-05-0

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Esters are widespread in nature and are widely used in industry. In nature, fats are in general triesters derived from glycerol and fatty acids. Esters are responsible for the aroma of many fruits. Esterification is the general name for a chemical reaction in which two reactants (typically an alcohol and an acid) form an ester as the reaction product. Esters are common in organic chemistry and biological materials.HPLC of Formula: 33171-05-0

Enhanced solubility of bisdemethoxycurcumin by interaction with Tween surfactants: Spectroscopic and coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation studies was written by Liu, Yinglin;Liu, Min;Yan, Hui;Liu, He;Liu, Jie;Zhao, Yanna;Wu, Yushu;Zhang, Yongfang;Han, Jun. And the article was included in Journal of Molecular Liquids in 2021.HPLC of Formula: 33171-05-0 The following contents are mentioned in the article:

The oral bioavailability of bisdemethoxycurcumin, one of the main active compounds of curcuminoids, can be improved by the encapsulation of surfactant micelles. The interaction of bisdemethoxycurcumin with Tween 20 and Tween 60 micelles was investigated by spectroscopic techniques and mol. dynamics simulation. The binding parameters were obtained from temperature-dependent fluorescence and absorption spectra. The main driving forces were inferred from the enthalpic and entropic contributions. The binding site and surrounding microenvironment of bisdemethoxycurcumin in Tween micelles were evaluated. Coarse-grained mol. dynamics simulations confirmed the binding of bisdemethoxycurcumin with Tween micelles from the microscopic perspective. The influence of different alkyl chains of Tween 20 and Tween 60 on their interaction with bisdemethoxycurcumin and their solubilization capability toward bisdemethoxycurcumin was discussed. These results suggested that Tween 20 and Tween 60, especially Tween 60, can be used as carriers for encapsulating bisdemethoxycurcumin to increase its aqueous solubility This study involved multiple reactions and reactants, such as Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0HPLC of Formula: 33171-05-0).

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Esters are widespread in nature and are widely used in industry. In nature, fats are in general triesters derived from glycerol and fatty acids. Esters are responsible for the aroma of many fruits. Esterification is the general name for a chemical reaction in which two reactants (typically an alcohol and an acid) form an ester as the reaction product. Esters are common in organic chemistry and biological materials.HPLC of Formula: 33171-05-0

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Lee, Da-Yeon et al. published their research in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2021 | CAS: 33171-05-0

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Esters perform as high-grade solvents for a broad array of plastics, plasticizers, resins, and lacquers, and are one of the largest classes of synthetic lubricants on the commercial market. Polyesters are important plastics, with monomers linked by ester moieties. Esters are more polar than ethers but less polar than alcohols. They participate in hydrogen bonds as hydrogen-bond acceptors, but cannot act as hydrogen-bond donors, unlike their parent alcohols. This ability to participate in hydrogen bonding confers some water-solubility.Formula: C19H16O4

Curcumin Attenuates Sarcopenia in Chronic Forced Exercise Executed Aged Mice by Regulating Muscle Degradation and Protein Synthesis with Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Effects was written by Lee, Da-Yeon;Chun, Yoon-Seok;Kim, Jong-Kyu;Lee, Jeong-Ok;Ku, Sae-Kwang;Shim, Soon-Mi. And the article was included in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry in 2021.Formula: C19H16O4 The following contents are mentioned in the article:

The aim of the current study is to investigate the effects of spray dry powders of Curcuma longa containing 40% curcumin (CM-SD), as a new aqueous curcumin formula, on sarcopenia in chronic forced exercise executed 10 mo old ICR mice. CM-SD (80 and 40 mg/kg) increased calf thicknesses and strengths, total body and calf protein amounts, and muscle weights in both gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. mRNA expressions regarding muscle growth and protein synthesis were induced, while those of muscle degradation significantly declined in CM-SD treatment. CM-SD decreased serum biochem. markers, lipid peroxidation, and reactive oxygen species and increased endogenous antioxidants and enzyme activities. It also reduced immunoreactive myofibers for apoptosis and oxidative stress markers but increased ATPase in myofibers. These results suggest that CM-SD can be an adjunct therapy to exercise-based remedy that prevents muscle disorders including sarcopenia by anti-apoptosis, anti-inflammation, and antioxidation-mediated modulation of gene expressions related to muscle degradation and protein synthesis. This study involved multiple reactions and reactants, such as Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0Formula: C19H16O4).

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Esters perform as high-grade solvents for a broad array of plastics, plasticizers, resins, and lacquers, and are one of the largest classes of synthetic lubricants on the commercial market. Polyesters are important plastics, with monomers linked by ester moieties. Esters are more polar than ethers but less polar than alcohols. They participate in hydrogen bonds as hydrogen-bond acceptors, but cannot act as hydrogen-bond donors, unlike their parent alcohols. This ability to participate in hydrogen bonding confers some water-solubility.Formula: C19H16O4

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Tseng, Jia De et al. published their research in Chemical Engineering Research and Design in 2022 | CAS: 33171-05-0

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Esters typically have a pleasant smell; those of low molecular weight are commonly used as fragrances and are found in essential oils and pheromones. Esterification is the general name for a chemical reaction in which two reactants (typically an alcohol and an acid) form an ester as the reaction product. Esters are common in organic chemistry and biological materials.Formula: C19H16O4

Recyclable positive azeotropes for the purification of curcumin with optimum purity and solvent capacity was written by Tseng, Jia De;Lee, Hung Lin;Yeh, Kuan Lin;Lee, Tu. And the article was included in Chemical Engineering Research and Design in 2022.Formula: C19H16O4 The following contents are mentioned in the article:

Purification of curcumin (CUR) from crude CUR, which is referred to as curcuminoids, has been conducted by cooling crystallization with the use of two azeotropes of Et acetate/ethanol (AZE-EA/EtOH) and Et acetate/isopropyl alc. (AZE-EA/IPA), as compared to the use of single solvents, including acetone, EA, EtOH, and IPA. According to the determination of crude CUR solubility in those solvents, the effects of stirring, crystallization time, and seeding on the induction time, purity, and yield of CUR product were investigated on a small scale. Especially the effects of the purity of CUR seed crystals have a pos. trend on the CUR purity. Seeding at a high temperature is suggested. The use of AZE-EA/EtOH shows the optimum purity of 94.0% and solvent capacity of 16.0 mg/mL with a yield of 29.0% by seeded cooling crystallization in a single step. Similar results are observed in the larger scale purification of CUR with a higher purity of 94.9%. After purification, the azeotropes can easily be recovered for reuse without changing their compositions, confirmed by GC, d., and b.p. determination This study involved multiple reactions and reactants, such as Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0Formula: C19H16O4).

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Esters typically have a pleasant smell; those of low molecular weight are commonly used as fragrances and are found in essential oils and pheromones. Esterification is the general name for a chemical reaction in which two reactants (typically an alcohol and an acid) form an ester as the reaction product. Esters are common in organic chemistry and biological materials.Formula: C19H16O4

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Tamegart, Lahcen et al. published their research in Biological Trace Element Research in 2022 | CAS: 33171-05-0

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Carboxylic acid esters of low molecular weight are colourless, volatile liquids with pleasant odours, slightly soluble in water. Liquid esters of low volatility serve as softening agents for resins and plastics. Esters also include many industrially important polymers. Polymethyl methacrylate is a glass substitute sold under the names Lucite and Plexiglas; polyethylene terephthalate is used as a film (Mylar) and as textile fibres sold as Terylene, Fortrel, and Dacron.COA of Formula: C19H16O4

Physiological Alterations of Subchronic Lead Exposure Induced Degeneration of Epithelial Cells in Proximal Tubules and the Remedial Effect of Curcumin-III in Meriones shawi: a Possible Link with Vasopressin Release was written by Tamegart, Lahcen;Abbaoui, Abdellatif;Oukhrib, Mjid;Bouyatas, Mouly Mustapha;Gamrani, Halima. And the article was included in Biological Trace Element Research in 2022.COA of Formula: C19H16O4 The following contents are mentioned in the article:

At the industrial working conditions, lead exposure could induce several alterations for the human body. Subchronic lead exposure is linked with several injuries including cerebral and renal dysfunctions. The present work discusses the effects of subchronic lead toxicity (3 g/l) in drinking water during the period of treatment (6 wk) on vasopressin system and epithelial cells in proximal tubules. Also, we aimed to evaluate the protective effect of curcumin-III administered orally by gavage (30 mg/kg BW), against subchronic Pb exposure in Meriones shawi. The biochem. and histopathol. examinations demonstrate renal damages induced by lead toxicity. In addition, the behavioral and immunohistochem. studies revealed that Pb neurotoxicity exhibited an anxious behavior with a significant elevation of the vasopressin (AVP) staining within the paraventricular nuclei. The study showed also curcumin-III restored the renal alterations with an anxiolytic effect. Moreover, it restored the AVP level in the studying nuclei. Our work supports a possible link between AVP release and epithelial degeneration in the proximal tubules, and shows a new pharmacol. effect of curcumin-III as an anxiolytic agent against lead toxicity. This study involved multiple reactions and reactants, such as Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0COA of Formula: C19H16O4).

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Carboxylic acid esters of low molecular weight are colourless, volatile liquids with pleasant odours, slightly soluble in water. Liquid esters of low volatility serve as softening agents for resins and plastics. Esters also include many industrially important polymers. Polymethyl methacrylate is a glass substitute sold under the names Lucite and Plexiglas; polyethylene terephthalate is used as a film (Mylar) and as textile fibres sold as Terylene, Fortrel, and Dacron.COA of Formula: C19H16O4

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Liu, Min et al. published their research in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering in 2021 | CAS: 33171-05-0

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Volatile esters with characteristic odours are used in synthetic flavours, perfumes, and cosmetics. Certain volatile esters are used as solvents for lacquers, paints, and varnishes. Cyclic esters are called lactones, regardless of whether they are derived from an organic or inorganic acid. One example of an organic lactone is γ-valerolactone.Related Products of 33171-05-0

Extraction of Natural Products by Direct Formation of Eutectic Systems was written by Liu, Min;Cao, Dan;Bi, Wentao;Chen, David Da Yong. And the article was included in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering in 2021.Related Products of 33171-05-0 The following contents are mentioned in the article:

A eutectic system forms when two or more substances reorganize into a superlattice that has a lower m.p. than each of the individual components. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) are environmentally friendly solvents often used for the dissolution, extraction, and separation of chem. compounds Instead of using DESs for extraction, hydrogen bond acceptors (HBAs) or hydrogen bond donors (HBDs) can be used to form a deep eutectic system (DESys) directly with the target compound for one-step dissolution and extraction The feasibility of direct formation of a DESys for high efficiency extraction was demonstrated with turmeric as the extraction target. The data showed that the target compounds indeed directly interacted with HBAs (and for other compounds, HBDs), which increases process efficiency and reduces the time required for target compounds to compete with another HBD (or HBA) to form hydrogen bonds. In addition, the results showed that the target compounds have different physicochem. properties in DESys and DES, which resulted in different anal. behaviors of the targets. This research may lead to changes in how eutectic systems are used and the development of new applications based on the formation of DESys. This study involved multiple reactions and reactants, such as Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0Related Products of 33171-05-0).

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Volatile esters with characteristic odours are used in synthetic flavours, perfumes, and cosmetics. Certain volatile esters are used as solvents for lacquers, paints, and varnishes. Cyclic esters are called lactones, regardless of whether they are derived from an organic or inorganic acid. One example of an organic lactone is γ-valerolactone.Related Products of 33171-05-0

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Takahashi, Miki et al. published their research in Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin in 2022 | CAS: 33171-05-0

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Esters perform as high-grade solvents for a broad array of plastics, plasticizers, resins, and lacquers, and are one of the largest classes of synthetic lubricants on the commercial market. Polyesters are important plastics, with monomers linked by ester moieties. Cyclic esters are called lactones, regardless of whether they are derived from an organic or inorganic acid. One example of an organic lactone is γ-valerolactone.Recommanded Product: Bisdemethoxycurcumin

Study on the synthesis of methylated reference and their application in the quantity of curcuminoids using single reference liquid chromatography based on relative molar sensitivity was written by Takahashi, Miki;Morimoto, Koji;Nishizaki, Yuzo;Masumoto, Naoko;Sugimoto, Naoki;Sato, Kyoko;Inoue, Koichi. And the article was included in Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin in 2022.Recommanded Product: Bisdemethoxycurcumin The following contents are mentioned in the article:

We report on the recommendation of the simple and versatility of methylated reference (MR) to improve applications in the single reference (SR)-LC based on relative molar sensitivity (RMS). Three curcuminoids (Curs) such as curcumin, demethoxycurcumin and bisdemethoxycurcumin in turmeric products were determined using authentic standards and methylated curcumin. In addition, high-speed countercurrent chromatog. (HSCCC) purification is necessary to sep. Curs for indicating the RMS. For HSCCC separation, a biphasic solvent system was used to obtain these fractions, which were then subjected to 1H quant. NMR to determine their contents in each test solution Using these solutions, the RMS of Curs are calculated from slopes ratios of calibration curves (three ranges from 0-100μmol/L, r2 > 0.998). The averaged RMS of Curs were 8.92 (relative standard deviation (RSD), 1.17%), 8.97 (2.18%), and 9.61 (0.77%), resp. Cur concentrations in turmeric products can be determined using RMS, peak area, and MR content added in these samples. This proposed method, which is based on chem. methylation and the SR-LC assay has been successfully applied for the simple and reliable estimation of Curs in turmeric products. This study involved multiple reactions and reactants, such as Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0Recommanded Product: Bisdemethoxycurcumin).

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Esters perform as high-grade solvents for a broad array of plastics, plasticizers, resins, and lacquers, and are one of the largest classes of synthetic lubricants on the commercial market. Polyesters are important plastics, with monomers linked by ester moieties. Cyclic esters are called lactones, regardless of whether they are derived from an organic or inorganic acid. One example of an organic lactone is γ-valerolactone.Recommanded Product: Bisdemethoxycurcumin

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Wang, Zi-Long et al. published their research in Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) in 2022 | CAS: 33171-05-0

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Esters typically have a pleasant smell; those of low molecular weight are commonly used as fragrances and are found in essential oils and pheromones. Cyclic esters are called lactones, regardless of whether they are derived from an organic or inorganic acid. One example of an organic lactone is γ-valerolactone.Name: Bisdemethoxycurcumin

GuRhaGT, a highly specific saponin 2′′-O-rhamnosyltransferase from Glycyrrhiza uralensis was written by Wang, Zi-Long;Zhou, Jia-Jing;Han, Bo-Yun;Hasan, Aobulikasimu;Zhang, Ya-Qun;Zhang, Jia-He;Wang, Hai-Dong;Li, Bin;Qiao, Xue;Ye, Min. And the article was included in Chemical Communications (Cambridge, United Kingdom) in 2022.Name: Bisdemethoxycurcumin The following contents are mentioned in the article:

A highly regio- and donor-specific 2′′-O-rhamnosyltransferase GuRhaGT was characterised from the medicinal plant Glycyrrhiza uralensis. GuRhaGT could efficiently catalyze rhamnosylation at 2′′-OH of the C-3 glycosyl moiety of triterpenoid saponins. This study involved multiple reactions and reactants, such as Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0Name: Bisdemethoxycurcumin).

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Esters typically have a pleasant smell; those of low molecular weight are commonly used as fragrances and are found in essential oils and pheromones. Cyclic esters are called lactones, regardless of whether they are derived from an organic or inorganic acid. One example of an organic lactone is γ-valerolactone.Name: Bisdemethoxycurcumin

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Teo, Ronald Hong Xiang et al. published their research in Organometallics in 2021 | CAS: 33171-05-0

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Carboxylic acid esters of low molecular weight are colourless, volatile liquids with pleasant odours, slightly soluble in water. Esters contain a carbonyl center, which gives rise to 120° C–C–O and O–C–O angles. Unlike amides, esters are structurally flexible functional groups because rotation about the C–O–C bonds has a low barrier. Their flexibility and low polarity is manifested in their physical properties; they tend to be less rigid (lower melting point) and more volatile (lower boiling point) than the corresponding amides. Recommanded Product: Bisdemethoxycurcumin

Catalytic Asymmetric Hydrophosphination as a Valuable Tool to Access Dihydrophosphinated Curcumin and Its Derivatives was written by Teo, Ronald Hong Xiang;Lee, Jeannie Xue Ting;Tan, Wei Ren;Shum, Wen Qian;Li, Yongxin;Pullarkat, Sumod A.;Tan, Nguan Soon;Leung, Pak-Hing. And the article was included in Organometallics in 2021.Recommanded Product: Bisdemethoxycurcumin The following contents are mentioned in the article:

Curcumin and its derivatives were successfully functionalized with secondary phosphines via catalytic asym. dihydrophosphination to give enantioenriched products with up to 95% enantiomeric excess (ee). Subsequently, the medicinal activities of dihydrophosphinated-curcumin Au(I) complexes obtained from the in situ complexation of dihydrophosphinated-curcumin with Au(I) were evaluated using the MKN74 and MCF7 cancer cell lines and compared to existing drugs such as curcumin and cisplatin. This study involved multiple reactions and reactants, such as Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0Recommanded Product: Bisdemethoxycurcumin).

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Carboxylic acid esters of low molecular weight are colourless, volatile liquids with pleasant odours, slightly soluble in water. Esters contain a carbonyl center, which gives rise to 120° C–C–O and O–C–O angles. Unlike amides, esters are structurally flexible functional groups because rotation about the C–O–C bonds has a low barrier. Their flexibility and low polarity is manifested in their physical properties; they tend to be less rigid (lower melting point) and more volatile (lower boiling point) than the corresponding amides. Recommanded Product: Bisdemethoxycurcumin

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Nguyen, Tuyet T. A. et al. published their research in Fitoterapia in 2021 | CAS: 33171-05-0

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Carboxylic acid esters of low molecular weight are colourless, volatile liquids with pleasant odours, slightly soluble in water. Many esters have the potential for conformational isomerism, but they tend to adopt an s-cis (or Z) conformation rather than the s-trans (or E) alternative, due to a combination of hyperconjugation and dipole minimization effects. The preference for the Z conformation is influenced by the nature of the substituents and solvent, if present. Lactones with small rings are restricted to the s-trans (i.e. E) conformation due to their cyclic structure.HPLC of Formula: 33171-05-0

Bougainvinones N-P, three new flavonoids from Bougainvillea spectabilis was written by Nguyen, Tuyet T. A.;Nguyen, Hai L.;Pham, Tuyen N. K.;Nguyen, Phung K. P.;Huynh, Tuyet T. N.;Sichaem, Jirapast;Do, Lien T. M.. And the article was included in Fitoterapia in 2021.HPLC of Formula: 33171-05-0 The following contents are mentioned in the article:

In an effort to identify natural bioactive compounds, three new flavonoids (1-3) and six known compounds (4-9) were isolated from the stem bark of Bougainvillea spectabilis. The structures of these compounds were accomplished using comprehensive spectroscopic methods, including 1D and 2D NMR spectra with references to the literatures, as well as high-resolution mass spectrometric anal. Their cytotoxicity against KB and HeLa S-3 cell lines was also evaluated. This study involved multiple reactions and reactants, such as Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0HPLC of Formula: 33171-05-0).

Bisdemethoxycurcumin (cas: 33171-05-0) belongs to ethers. Carboxylic acid esters of low molecular weight are colourless, volatile liquids with pleasant odours, slightly soluble in water. Many esters have the potential for conformational isomerism, but they tend to adopt an s-cis (or Z) conformation rather than the s-trans (or E) alternative, due to a combination of hyperconjugation and dipole minimization effects. The preference for the Z conformation is influenced by the nature of the substituents and solvent, if present. Lactones with small rings are restricted to the s-trans (i.e. E) conformation due to their cyclic structure.HPLC of Formula: 33171-05-0

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem