Beyer, H.’s team published research in Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig) in 20 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig) published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks.

Beyer, H. published the artcileThe formation of bisformamidine sulfides and isoureas, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks, the publication is Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig) (1963), 20(5-6), 263-74, database is CAplus.

cf. CA 58, 2388d. RNHCSNH2 (0.02 mole) and 0.01 mole R’2NCN disolved in 15 ml. 5.6% absolute alc. HCl gave S[C(:NH)NHR]2.2HCl (I) (all with decomposition). In this way, SC(NH2)2 (II) with Et2NCN (III), (CH2:CHCH2)2NCN (IV), Bu2NCN (V), PhNHCN, o-ClC6H4NHCN, p-MeC6H4NHCN, or BzNHCN (VI) gave 79, 85, 85, 47, 79, 52, or 74% I (R = H), m. 180°; MeNHCSNH2 with III, IV, V, or MeNHCN gave 90, 90, 95, or 94% l (R = Me), m. 161°; EtNHCSNH2 with III, IV, V, VI, or EtNHCN gave 57, 60, 69, 71, or 82% I (R = Et), m. 163°; CH2:CHCH2NHCSNH2 with IV gave 55% I (R = CH2:CHCH2), m. 136-7°; PrNHCSNH2 with IV gave 51% I (R = Pr), m. 156-7°; BuNHCSNH2 with V gave 60% I (R = Bu), m. 147°; MeEtCHNHSNH2 with IV or V gave 90% l (R = MeEtCH), m. 160-2°; PhCH2NHCSNH2 with IV, V, or PhCH2NHCN gave 51, 54, or 81% I (R = PhCH2), m. 179-81°; and PhCH2CH2NHCSNH2 with IV or V gave 80 or 83% I (R = PhCH2CH2), m. 162-3°. (PhNH)2CS and III in 15 ml. 5.6% alc. HCl gave 22% [PhNH(PhN:)Cl2S.HCl, m. 248-51°; PhNHCSNH2 and PhNHCN in 7.5 ml. 5.5% alc. HCl gave 72% [PhNH(HN:)Cl2S.HCl, m. 147°; Et2NCSNH2 and III 4-5 weeks in alc. HCl gave 45% [Et2N(HN:)Cl2S.HCl, m. 139-40°. From the mother liquors of I from II with III, IV, or V, 31% Et2NCSNH2, m. 101-2°, 38% (CH2:CHCH2)2NCSNH2, or 38% Bu2NCSNH2, m. 58-9°, was isolated. Treating 0.02 mole VI with 0.02 mole PrOH, BuOH, MeEtCHOH, AmOH, or iso-AmOH (all containing HCl) gave 62% BzNHC(:NH)OR.HCl (VII) (R = Pr). m. 97° (free base m. 45°; picrate m. 140°], 86% VII (R = Bu) (VIII), m. 80° (free base 42°; yellow picrate m. 130-1°), 55% VII (R = MeEtCH) (IX), m. 104° (free base m. 54°; yellow picrate m. 136°), 83% VII (R = Am), m. 75° (free base m. 54°; picrate m. 131°), or 81% VII (R = iso-Am), m. 64° (yellow picrate m. 133°). Keeping a solution of 1.5 g. VI overnight in 15 ml. absolute alc. HCl gave 80% BzNHCONH2 (X), m. 215°. Passing HCl gas into an equimol. mixture of p-MeC6H4CONHCN and PrOH and keeping overnight yielded 78% p-MeC6H1CONHCONH2, m. 232°, and 51% PrCl. Heating 2.2 g. IX in 10 ml. 8.2% HBr in dioxane gave 91% BzNHCONH2 and MetEtCHBr, identified via the S-isobutylisothiuronium picrate, m. 167°. Refluxing 11 g. VIII with AcOH gave 48% AcOBu, b. 125-6°. H2NCN and Et2NCONH2 did not reach in the presence of HCl. VII also were split by HBr and HI, giving the corresponding alkyl halides.

Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig) published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Kovacova, J.’s team published research in Chemicke Zvesti in 34 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Chemicke Zvesti published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Related Products of ethers-buliding-blocks.

Kovacova, J. published the artcileComparison of redox transformations in platinum(IV) and copper(II) complexes with thiourea as ligand, Related Products of ethers-buliding-blocks, the publication is Chemicke Zvesti (1980), 34(2), 179-83, database is CAplus.

PtL2Cl4 and PtL’2Cl4 (L = N,N,N‘,N‘-tetramethylthiourea; L’ = N,N‘-ethylenethiourea) reacted with thiourea to give Pt(II) complexes. The possible course of substitution and redox processes was inferred indirectly from chem. changes and the reaction products. Differences in the redox changes of Pt(IV) and Cu(II) complexes after introduction of thiourea into the inner sphere are discussed on the basis of the mutual effect.

Chemicke Zvesti published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Related Products of ethers-buliding-blocks.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Malhotra, K. C.’s team published research in Journal of the Indian Chemical Society in 64 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Safety of Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride.

Malhotra, K. C. published the artcileOxidation of thiourea by N-bromosuccinimide. A kinetic study, Safety of Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, the publication is Journal of the Indian Chemical Society (1987), 64(9), 551-4, database is CAplus.

The kinetics of oxidation of thiourea (to formamidine disulfide) with NBS were studied. The oxidation is second order, first order each in thiourea and NBS. The rate increases with increase of pH and decrease of dielec. constant of the medium. The addition of NaCl and NaNO3 electrolytes to the reaction mixture shows a neg. salt-effect.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Safety of Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Francisco, Vitor’s team published research in New Journal of Chemistry in 32 | CAS: 14807-75-1

New Journal of Chemistry published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Application In Synthesis of 14807-75-1.

Francisco, Vitor published the artcileKinetic study of an autocatalytic reaction: nitrosation of formamidine disulfide, Application In Synthesis of 14807-75-1, the publication is New Journal of Chemistry (2008), 32(12), 2292-2298, database is CAplus.

The reaction kinetics for the acid nitrosation of formamidine disulfide (FDS) show an autocatalytic behavior that arises from the fact that the thiocyanate ion formed as a product acts as a powerful catalyst for the nitrosation reaction. In the presence of added nucleophiles the suppression of the autocatalytic route results from competition for the nitrous acid between the added halides and the thiocyanate anion, which is formed as a reaction product. Anal. of the kinetic data enabled extraction of the bimol. rate constants, kNO+ = (3.2 ± 1.8) × 1010 M-1 s-1; kNOSCN = (2.1 ± 0.2) × 105 M-1 s-1; kNOBr = (9.4 ± 0.2) × 106 M-1 s1 and kNOCl = (4.0 ± 0.2) × 107 M-1 s-1, for the pathways catalyzed by SCN, Br and Cl, resp. Kinetic results are consistent with the attack on the nitrosating agent as the rate limiting step, i.e., the nitrosation of FDS behaves in a similar manner to the nitrosation of an amine. Rather different behavior is found for other substrates with an imino moiety adjacent to an amino nitrogen, such as the guanidines, which react by a mechanism in which the rate limiting step is the reorganization of the nitrosated substrate.

New Journal of Chemistry published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Application In Synthesis of 14807-75-1.

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Wang, Shun’s team published research in Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao in 33 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C6H4ClNO2, HPLC of Formula: 14807-75-1.

Wang, Shun published the artcileHeat effect in oxidation of thiourea, HPLC of Formula: 14807-75-1, the publication is Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao (2004), 33(4), 375-378, database is CAplus.

The enthalpies of combustion of thiourea, formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, thiourea dioxide, and thiourea trioxide were measured using an oxygen bomb calorimeter, and from which the molar standard enthalpies of formation of formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, thiourea dioxide, and thiourea trioxide were obtained with values of 8.19, -431.49 and -833.32 kJ/mol, resp. Further, the molar standard reaction enthalpies, for the formation of formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, thiourea dioxide and thiourea trioxide via the reactions between thiourea and hydrogen peroxide, were also calculated utilizing the data of combustion enthalpies or formation enthalpies. The two calculations are almost the same. Their values are 127.11-127.12, -543.66–543.64 and -1 043.56–1 043.53 kJ/mol, resp.

Zhongguo Kuangye Daxue Xuebao published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C6H4ClNO2, HPLC of Formula: 14807-75-1.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Chiesi Villa, A.’s team published research in Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry in 28 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Quality Control of 14807-75-1.

Chiesi Villa, A. published the artcileCrystal and molecular structure of α,α’-dithiobisformamidinium dichloride, Quality Control of 14807-75-1, the publication is Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry (1972), 28(Pt. 2), 356-60, database is CAplus.

The crystal structure of α,α’-dithiobisformamidinium dichloride, [SC(NH2)22Cl2, was determined and refined by Fourier and least-squares methods using 3-dimensional x-ray data collected with a single-crystal diffractometer (Cu Kα). The unit-cell parameters are: a 8.78(1), b 10.52-(1), c 19.69(1) Å; Z 8. Space group: Pbca. All the H atoms were located directly. The dithiobisformamidinium cation is in a general position and is formed by 2 planar thiourea groups which are slightly rotated with respect to the S-S bond [2.017-(2) Å] : (SCNN)ƛ(SSC) = 6.9 and 15.6°. The internal rotation angle around the S-S bond is 92.3°. Bond distances and angles in the thiourea groups agree with those found in thiourea and its derivatives A comparison is made of the corresponding dithiobis-formamidinium dibromide and diiodide. Packing is determined by a system of H bonds of the type N-H…Cl [3.132(5), 3.181(6), 3.120(5), 3.142(6), 3.145(6), 3.150(6) Å].

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Quality Control of 14807-75-1.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Sarkar, Sougata’s team published research in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces in 6 | CAS: 14807-75-1

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Application of Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride.

Sarkar, Sougata published the artcileRedox-Switchable Copper(I) Metallogel: A Metal-Organic Material for Selective and Naked-Eye Sensing of Picric Acid, Application of Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, the publication is ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2014), 6(9), 6308-6316, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

Thiourea (TU), a com. available laboratory chem., has been discovered to introduce metallogelation when reacted with copper(II) chloride in aqueous medium. The chem. involves the reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I) with concomitant oxidation of thiourea to dithiobisformamidinium dichloride. The gel formation is triggered through metal-ligand complexation, i.e., Cu(I)-TU coordination and extensive hydrogen bonding interactions involving thiourea, the disulfide product, water, and chloride ions. Entangled network morphol. of the gel selectively develops in water, maybe for its superior hydrogen-bonding ability, as accounted from Kamlet-Taft solvent parameters. Complete and systematic chem. analyses demonstrate the importance of both Cu(I) and chloride ions as the key ingredients in the metal-organic coordination gel framework. The gel is highly fluorescent. Again, exclusive presence of Cu(I) metal centers in the gel structure makes the gel redox-responsive and therefore it shows reversible gel-sol phase transition. However, the reversibility does not cause any morphol. change in the gel phase. The gel practically exhibits its multiresponsive nature and therefore the influences of different probable interfering parameters (pH, selective metal ions and anions, selective complexing agents, etc.) have been studied mechanistically and the results might be promising for different applications. Finally, the gel material shows a highly selective visual response to a commonly used nitroexplosive, picric acid among a set of 19 congeners and the preferred selectivity has been mechanistically interpreted with d. functional theory-based calculations

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Application of Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Rudnitskaya, Olga V.’s team published research in Inorganica Chimica Acta in 484 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Inorganica Chimica Acta published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Recommanded Product: Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride.

Rudnitskaya, Olga V. published the artcileA balance of redox and ligand-exchange processes in the reaction of H2[OsCl6] with thiourea: Isolation and characterization of a novel osmium complex [(NH2)2CSSC(NH2)2]2[OsIVCl6]Cl2·3H2O, Recommanded Product: Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, the publication is Inorganica Chimica Acta (2019), 352-356, database is CAplus.

A novel complex with the stoichiometry [(NH2)2CSSC(NH2)2]2[OsIVCl6]Cl2·3H2O (1) was isolated as a product of the reaction of H2[OsCl6] with thiourea in concentrated HCl under deliberately optimized conditions favoring a partial thiourea oxidation to α,α’-dithiobisformamidinium dication but preserving hexachloroosmate [OsCl6]2 anions. A bromide analog [(NH2)2CSSC(NH2)2]2[OsIVBr6]Br2·3H2O (2) is afforded by a similar reaction. A counter synthesis of 1 is accomplished via the direct ion-exchange reaction between H2[OsCl6] and [S2C2(NH2)4]Cl2. Crystal structures of 1 and 2 are unambiguously established by synchrotron radiation-based single-crystal x-ray diffraction at 100 K. The two compounds are isostructural and are crystallized in the orthorhombic space group Cmcm, Z = 4. Unit cell parameters are for 1:a = 11.279(2) Å, b 13.611(3), c 16.731(3) Å; for 2: a 11.695(2), b 14.005(3), c 17.015(3) Å. The osmium atoms in [OsX6]2- (X = Cl or Br) anions adopt slightly distorted octahedral coordination. The α,α’-dithiobisformamidinium cations are paired into rings via the NH…Cl hydrogen bonds. The rings are further linked into a spatial network by H-bonds with water mols. and S…Cl nonvalence interactions.

Inorganica Chimica Acta published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Recommanded Product: Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride.

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Kitson, Trevor M.’s team published research in Biochemical Pharmacology in 28 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Biochemical Pharmacology published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, HPLC of Formula: 14807-75-1.

Kitson, Trevor M. published the artcileStudies on possible mechanisms for the interaction between cyanamide and aldehyde dehydrogenase, HPLC of Formula: 14807-75-1, the publication is Biochemical Pharmacology (1979), 28(17), 2551-6, database is CAplus and MEDLINE.

Cyanamide (I) [420-04-2] reacted with amino and thiol groups to form guanidino and isothiouronium compounds resp. under physiol. conditions. Sheep liver cytoplasmic aldehyde dehydrogenase (II) [9028-86-8] activity in vitro was not affected by I (1-50 mM), dicyandiamide [461-58-5] (1 mM), or the aminoethylisothiouronium bromide-HBr (III) [56-10-0] (1 mM). Formamidine disulfide-2HCl [14807-75-1] (10-20 μM) inhibited II activity in vitro, but thiourea [62-56-6] (50 mg/kg, i.p. daily for 5 days) and III, (200 mg/kg, i.p., daily for 5 days) did not affect II activity in rat liver in vivo in either cytoplasm or mitochondria. The possible modes of action of I on alc. metabolism are discussed.

Biochemical Pharmacology published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, HPLC of Formula: 14807-75-1.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Vladimirtsev, I. F.’s team published research in Fiziologicheski Aktivnye Veshchestva (1966-1992) in 7 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Fiziologicheski Aktivnye Veshchestva (1966-1992) published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C4H10Br2CoO2, Computed Properties of 14807-75-1.

Vladimirtsev, I. F. published the artcilePreparation and biological activity of some thiourea derivatives, Computed Properties of 14807-75-1, the publication is Fiziologicheski Aktivnye Veshchestva (1966-1992) (1975), 120-3, database is CAplus.

H2NC(:NH)SO2H (I) reacted with aqueous HCl at 60-70° to give 37.8% S2[C(:NH)NH2.HCl]2 (II), which reacted with NaOEt to give 100% S, 95% thiourea (III), and 77% S[C(:NH)NH2.HCl]2 (IV). Urea, I, IV, and H2NC(:NH)S(O)SC(:NH)NH2.2H2O inhibited the growth of lettuce, oat, and cucumber sprouts at 0.01%, but stimulated growth at 0.0001%; the opposite effect was observed with III.

Fiziologicheski Aktivnye Veshchestva (1966-1992) published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C4H10Br2CoO2, Computed Properties of 14807-75-1.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem