Bartz, Jan’s team published research in Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Matematyka, Fizyka, Chemia in No. 11 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Matematyka, Fizyka, Chemia published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks.

Bartz, Jan published the artcileOrganic sulfur compounds in the iodine-azide reaction. III. Linear and cyclic derivatives of thiourea, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks, the publication is Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Matematyka, Fizyka, Chemia (1967), 161-7, database is CAplus.

Thiourea and many of the 34 derivatives examined had high induction coefficients due to the mesomeric character of thiourea. The differences in induction coefficients of thiourea and its mono- and di-substituted derivatives were negligible. Introduction of 3 Me groups lowered slightly the induction, and 4 Me groups reduced it by one half. NH2 or NH groups separated from each other by at least 1 C atom promoted the induction, whereas the presence of NHNH2 groups had an inhibiting effect.

Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Matematyka, Fizyka, Chemia published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Higashi, Lois S.’s team published research in Journal of the American Chemical Society in 100 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Journal of the American Chemical Society published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Name: Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride.

Higashi, Lois S. published the artcileEmpirical relations between disulfide bond lengths, (nitrogen or carbon)-carbon-sulfur-sulfur torsion angles, and substituents in aromatic disulfides. Crystal and molecular structure of 3,3′-dihydroxydi-2-pyridyl disulfide, Name: Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, the publication is Journal of the American Chemical Society (1978), 100(26), 8101-6, database is CAplus.

In the 21 reported crystal structures of sym. disulfides whose sulfur atoms are bound to sp2 carbon atoms, an empirical relationship is found between the S-S bond length and the X-C-S-S (X = C or N) torsion angle. The C-S-S-C torsion angles are generally within about 20° of 90° in those mols. In addition, it is noted that the less frequently encountered X-C-S-S angles near 90° occur only when one strongly electron-donating substituent is present in a position β to the disulfide group in each of the R groups of the RSSR mol., or when both β positions on each R group are substituted, independent of electron negativity. A relatively neutral or electron-withdrawing group in only one β position of each R group (or any substituents at any more distant positions) allows the X-C-S-S torsion angles to be near 0°, and the S-S bond, therefore, to be short. This result is supported by the crystal and mol. structure of 3,3′-dihydroxydi-2-pyridyl disulfide, which has been determined by single-crystal x-ray diffraction techniques using counter methods, and has been refined by full-matrix least-squares procedures to a final conventional R index of 0.035. The yellow monoclinic crystals form in the space group P21/c with a = 7.165 (1) Å,b = 7.656(1) Å,c = 19.517(3) Å,β = 96.77(1)°, and four mols. per unit cell. The average N-C-S-S torsion angle (9°) indicates that the S-S bond (2.0180(7) Å) is nearly in the plane of each pyridine ring. The C-S-S-C torsion angle is 93.2°, and the average S-C bond length is 1.782 Å. The empirical rules presented also successfully describe the 11 transition metal ion complexes involving these disulfides whose structures are known. The C-S-S-C torsion angle has a role in governing the S-S bond length, but is important only when X-C-S-S is within about 20° of 90° or when C-S-S-C deviates by about 40° or more from 90°.

Journal of the American Chemical Society published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Name: Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Elstner, R.’s team published research in Metalloberflaeche in 36 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Metalloberflaeche published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks.

Elstner, R. published the artcileStudies on the effect of inhibitors in ammonia etching solutions on the depth and pattern in copper etching, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks, the publication is Metalloberflaeche (1982), 36(10), 468-78, database is CAplus.

The effects of inhibitors on the etching of Cu for printed circuits by ammoniacal solutions of Na chlorite and CuCl2 were studied. The etch rates and elec. conductivity of the different solutions are given. The effects of Cu(I) ions are discussed. The optimum etching conditions are described.

Metalloberflaeche published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks.

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Woods, Thomas S.’s team published research in Journal of Organic Chemistry in 39 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Journal of Organic Chemistry published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C4H6BrN3, Computed Properties of 14807-75-1.

Woods, Thomas S. published the artcileCleavage of sulfur-sulfur bonds with sodium hydrogen selenide, Computed Properties of 14807-75-1, the publication is Journal of Organic Chemistry (1974), 39(25), 3716-20, database is CAplus.

Sodium hydrogen selenide is shown to be an effective reagent for reduction of alkyl, aryl, aralkyl, and functionally substituted disulfides to thiols under mild conditions in protic solvents. Two-electron transfer from the hydrogen selenide anion, which promotes the cleavage of the S-S bond with concomitant production of elemental selenium, is found to occur only in a narrow pH range. Organic thiosulfates (Bunte salts) also give thiols through the intermediacy of the corresponding disulfide on reaction with sodium hydrogen selenide.

Journal of Organic Chemistry published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C4H6BrN3, Computed Properties of 14807-75-1.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Golovnev, N. N.’s team published research in Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry in 58 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, COA of Formula: C2H8Cl2N4S2.

Golovnev, N. N. published the artcileSynthesis and properties of compounds of formamidindium disulfide with d-element tetrahalide anions, COA of Formula: C2H8Cl2N4S2, the publication is Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2013), 58(6), 701-705, database is CAplus.

Products of reactions of salts of d elements with formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride (FDSH2Cl2) in concentrated HCl and HBr solutions were synthesized and characterized. The following compounds were obtained: FDSH2[CuCl4]·H2O, FDSH2[CoCl4], FDSH2[ZnCl4], FDSH2[HgCl4], and FDSH2[HgBr4]. The identity of these compounds was confirmed by x-ray diffraction; their compositions were derived from the results of chem. anal. and thermal anal. The IR and Raman scattering spectra of the compounds indicate the presence therein of FDSH cation. FDSH transforms into formamidindium trisulfide cation (NH2)2C-S-S-S-C(NH2) upon storage in air in HCl solution

Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, COA of Formula: C2H8Cl2N4S2.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Foss, Olav’s team published research in Acta Chemica Scandinavica in 12 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Acta Chemica Scandinavica published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Name: Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride.

Foss, Olav published the artcileConstitution of the formamidinium disulfide ion, from the crystal structures of the diiodide and dibromide, Name: Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, the publication is Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1958), 1782-98, database is CAplus.

cf. C.A. 52, 8673c. Two-dimensional x-ray analysis shows that the unit cells of [(H2N)2CS]2I2.H2O (I), [(H2N)2CS]2Br2.H2O (II), and [(H2N)2CS]2Cl2.H2O have the dimensions a 5.15 A., b 16.52, c 13.39, d. 2.04 g./cc., and space group D102h-Pccn with Z = 4; a 8.61 A., b 5.12, c 12.40, β 99.5°, d. 2.47 g./cc., and space group C42h-P2/c with Z = 2; and a 10.54 A., b 19.75, c 8.85, d. 1.57 g./cc., space group D152h-Pbca with Z = 8, resp. The disulfide group has a normal configuration and dimensions, with SS 2.04 A. and the SSC angles 99° and 104°, and the CSS/SSC dihedral angles 105° and 89°, resp., for I and II. Except for a slight lengthening of the CS bond, the dimensions of the thiourea (III) group are as in the III mol. before oxidation; there is an insignificant deviation from planarity of the III group and no significant difference between the lengths of the 2 CN bonds of a group. In both salts the H2O mols. lie on 2-fold axes, and each participates in H bonds with 2 halide ions and 2 N atoms. The x-ray crystallographic work establishes the disulfide nature of the salts in the crystalline state. The structures were solved by use of the heavy-atom method; the positions of the I and Br ions were determined from Patterson projections.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Name: Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Jensen, K. A.’s team published research in Acta Chemica Scandinavica in 18 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Acta Chemica Scandinavica published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Name: Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride.

Jensen, K. A. published the artcileReaction between 5-amino-1,2,3,4-thiatriazole and hydrochloric acid, Name: Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, the publication is Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1964), 18(2), 570-2, database is CAplus.

The treatment of monoalkylthioureas with Cl or heating 5-alkylamino-1,2,3,4-thiatriazoles with concentrated HCl 1 hr. at 100° produced derivatives of [RNHC(:NH)S]2 (I). For example, a cooled saturated solution of NH2CSNH2(II) in absolute EtOH treated with Cl gas until the solution yellowed, the mixture filtered, the precipitate dissolved in H2O, and the solution poured into concentrated HCl gave I.2HCl (R = H) (III), m. 172-4° (the substance was diamagnetic). III obtained from II and from 5-amino-1,2,3,4-thiatriazole (IV) were identical, and this result confirmed earlier conclusions (Sahasrabudhey, CA 45, 8006f). III could be produced from IV via reduction of H2NC(:NH)S+ with HN3, both pos. ion and acid being formed by hydrolysis of the thiatriazole ring. I (R = Me).2HCl, m. 163-5°, and I (R = Pr).2HCl, m. 155-6°, were also prepared by both methods. l oxidation of tert-BuNHCSNH2 (V), m. 181°, and the HCl hydrolysis of 5-tert-butylamino-1,2,3,4-thiatriazole produced III. I (R = tert-Bu).2HBr, m. 141-2°, was prepared by the oxidation of V in AcOH with Br in CCl4.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Name: Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride.

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Chernysheva, Maria V.’s team published research in Journal of Solid State Chemistry in 293 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Journal of Solid State Chemistry published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, SDS of cas: 14807-75-1.

Chernysheva, Maria V. published the artcileThe S ··· Hal and Se ··· Hal chalcogen bonding in a series of thiourea, selenourea and their derivatives, SDS of cas: 14807-75-1, the publication is Journal of Solid State Chemistry (2021), 121759, database is CAplus.

The chalcogen bonding (ChB) in a series of thiourea, selenourea and their derivatives has been investigated in the present paper. Thus, selenourea and dimethylselenourea undergo dimerization and trimerization processes in the presence of various halogen species (1-5). Selenourea and dimethylselenourea form trimers 3-4 in the presence of lighter halogens (chlorine and bromine) through Se···Se chalcogen bonding. When moving to heavier halogen (iodine), the dimers 1-2 are formed. Thiourea and its derivatives also tend to make very strong S···S bonds and form dimers in the case of lighter halogens chlorine and bromine (compounds 6-7). However, the monomers separated by the iodine species are formed upon interaction with iodine via very strong S···I bonding (compounds 9-12). Furthermore, among all the crystal structures of 1-12, only iodine cations I+ in 10 and 12 act as electron d. acceptors, while in the remaining compounds 1-9 and 11 halogen species act as electron d. donors.

Journal of Solid State Chemistry published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, SDS of cas: 14807-75-1.

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Wang, Xinhong’s team published research in Yingyong Huagong in 35 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Yingyong Huagong published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C6H5F4NO3S, Product Details of C2H8Cl2N4S2.

Wang, Xinhong published the artcileSynthesis and thermal analysis of thioperoxydicarbonimidic diamide ([(H2N)C(NH)]2S2) dihydrochloride (formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride), Product Details of C2H8Cl2N4S2, the publication is Yingyong Huagong (2006), 35(8), 580-582, 590, database is CAplus.

Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride was prepared using hydrochloric acid and thiourea, hydrogen peroxide as oxidant in a reactor. The optimized reaction conditions were determined and the product was characterized by IR, UV. Combustion heat of product was 3181.75 kJ/mol. Thermal anal. results indicated formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride exhibited complex behaviors from the curves of TG-DTA-DTG, firstly including two first order decomposition reactions and its apparent activation energy was 155.71 kJ/mol (36.12 kJ/mol).

Yingyong Huagong published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C6H5F4NO3S, Product Details of C2H8Cl2N4S2.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Vasiliev, A. D.’s team published research in Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry in 58 | CAS: 14807-75-1

Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C18H24N6O6S4, SDS of cas: 14807-75-1.

Vasiliev, A. D. published the artcileCrystal structure of bis(α,α’-dithio-bis(formamidinium)) bis(μ2-chloro)hexachlorodimercurate(II), SDS of cas: 14807-75-1, the publication is Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2013), 58(11), 1298-1301, database is CAplus.

The crystal and mol. structure of bis(α,α’-dithio-bis(formamidinium)) bis(μ2-chloro)hexachlorodimercurate(II) C4H16Hg2Cl8N8S4 (I), where α,α’-dithio-bis(formamidine) is C2H6N4S2, was solved. Crystals are monoclinic, a 8.6417(6), b 14.648(1), c 10.2111(8) Å, β 104.949(1)°, V = 1248.8(2) Å3, space group P21/n, Z = 4. The crystal structure is built of HgCl42- ions linked via inversion centers into [Hg2Cl8]4- pairs and C2H8N4S22+ cations. [Hg2Cl8]4- anions and C2H8N4S22+ cations form alternating layers linked by N-HCl H bonds into a framework structure.

Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C18H24N6O6S4, SDS of cas: 14807-75-1.

Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem