Get Up to Speed Quickly on Emerging Topics:103-50-4

Category: ethers-buliding-blocks. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Vangijzegem, T; Stanicki, D; Panepinto, A; Socoliuc, V; Vekas, L; Muller, RN; Laurent, S or concate me.

Category: ethers-buliding-blocks. Vangijzegem, T; Stanicki, D; Panepinto, A; Socoliuc, V; Vekas, L; Muller, RN; Laurent, S in [Vangijzegem, Thomas; Stanicki, Dimitri; Laurent, Sophie] Univ Mons, Dept Gen Organ & Biomed Chem, NMR & Mol Imaging Lab, B-7000 Mons, Belgium; [Panepinto, Adriano] Univ Mons, Chim Interact Plasma Surface ChIPS, 23 Pl Parc, B-7000 Mons, Belgium; [Socoliuc, Vlad; Vekas, Ladislau] Romanian Acad, Lab Magnet Fluids, Ctr Fundamental & Adv Tech Res, Timisoara Branch, Timisoara 300223, Romania; [Vekas, Ladislau] Politehn Univ Timisoara, Res Ctr Complex Fluids Syst Engn, M Viteazu Ave 1, Timisoara 300222, Romania; [Muller, Robert N.; Laurent, Sophie] Ctr Microscopy & Mol Imaging, Rue Adrienne Bolland 8, B-6041 Gosselies, Belgium published Influence of Experimental Parameters of a Continuous Flow Process on the Properties of Very Small Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (VSION) Designed for Ti -Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in 2020, Cited 49. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4.

This study reports the development of a continuous flow process enabling the synthesis of very small iron oxide nanoparticles (VSION) intended for T-1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The influence of parameters, such as the concentration/nature of surfactants, temperature, pressure and the residence time on the thermal decomposition of iron(III) acetylacetonate in organic media was evaluated. As observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), the diameter of the resulting nanoparticle remains constant when modifying the residence time. However, significant differences were observed in the magnetic and relaxometric studies. This continuous flow experimental setup allowed the production of VSION with high flow rates (up to 2 mL.min(-1)), demonstrating the efficacy of such process compared to conventional batch procedure for the scale-up production of VSION.

Category: ethers-buliding-blocks. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Vangijzegem, T; Stanicki, D; Panepinto, A; Socoliuc, V; Vekas, L; Muller, RN; Laurent, S or concate me.

Ether – Wikipedia,
,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

The Absolute Best Science Experiment for 103-50-4

SDS of cas: 103-50-4. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Si, XG; Zhao, YP; Song, QL; Cao, JP; Wang, RY; Wei, XY or concate me.

In 2020 REACT CHEM ENG published article about NITROGEN-DOPED CARBON; HYDRODEOXYGENATION; EFFICIENT; NANOPARTICLES; CLEAVAGE; MODEL; RU; DEPOLYMERIZATION; HYDROGENATION; PERFORMANCE in [Si, Xing-Gang; Zhao, Yun-Peng; Song, Qing-Lu; Cao, Jing-Pei; Wei, Xian-Yong] China Univ Min & Technol, Minist Educ, Key Lab Coal Proc & Efficient Utilizat, Xuzhou 221114, Jiangsu, Peoples R China; [Zhao, Yun-Peng] Taiyuan Univ Technol, State Key Lab Breeding Base Coal Sci & Technol Co, Taiyuan 030024, Peoples R China; [Zhao, Yun-Peng] Taiyuan Univ Technol, Minist Sci & Technol, Taiyuan 030024, Peoples R China; [Wang, Rui-Yu] China Univ Min & Technol, Low Carbon Energy Inst, Xuzhou 221008, Jiangsu, Peoples R China in 2020, Cited 43. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4. SDS of cas: 103-50-4

A highly efficient Ni/N-C catalyst was synthesized by facile pyrolysis of a Ni-containing metal-organic framework (Ni-MOF), and its catalytic hydrogenolysis performance towards C-O bonds in lignin was evaluated in detail using diphenyl ether (DPE) as a model compound. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) analyses show that the flower-like nanosheets of the Ni-MOF shrink, forming a loose and ordered spherical structure during pyrolysis. Under the optimal conditions, DPE was completely converted and the selectivity to monomers (benzene, cyclohexanol and cyclohexane) reached 99.1%. During the catalytic hydrogenolysis conversion (CHC) of DPE, the direct cleavage of the C-aromatic-O bond affording benzene and phenol is the major reaction pathway, and a low H2 pressure is crucial to increase the monomer selectivity. Furthermore, Ni/N-C-450 shows high hydrogenolysis activity for other lignin-derived aryl ethers, such as benzyl phenyl ether, dibenzyl ether, dinaphthalene ether, benzyl 2-naphthyl ether and 3-methoxyphenol.

SDS of cas: 103-50-4. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Si, XG; Zhao, YP; Song, QL; Cao, JP; Wang, RY; Wei, XY or concate me.

Ether – Wikipedia,
,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Properties and Exciting Facts About Benzyl ether

Recommanded Product: 103-50-4. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Nagendra, B; Cozzolino, A; Golla, M; Daniel, C; Rizzo, P; Guerra, G or concate me.

Recently I am researching about SYNDIOTACTIC POLYSTYRENE; GAS SORPTION; POLY(2,6-DIMETHYL-1,4-PHENYLENE OXIDE); AMORPHOUS PHASES; SINGLE-CRYSTALS; X-RAY; TRANSPORT; FILMS; MEMBRANES; DELTA, Saw an article supported by the Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Universita e della RicercaMinistry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR). Recommanded Product: 103-50-4. Published in ELSEVIER SCI LTD in OXFORD ,Authors: Nagendra, B; Cozzolino, A; Golla, M; Daniel, C; Rizzo, P; Guerra, G. The CAS is 103-50-4. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of Benzyl ether

The stability of a and beta nanoporous-crystalline (NC) forms of Poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4-phenylene) oxide (PPO), in the presence of guest molecules leading to crystallization in a and beta-form (alpha and beta-guests), is explored. Sorption of liquid guests at 30 degrees C and 60 degrees C is studied both for NC films and NC aerogels. WAXD and FTIR characterizations show that, for all considered conditions, NC alpha-phases after guest sorption/desorption remain unaltered. NC beta-phases, on the contrary, after alpha-guest sorption can be transformed in co-crystalline (CC) alpha-phases that after guest desorption are transformed in NC alpha-phases. All conducted experiments also show that possible planar orientations of NC films (c//or c perpendicular to orientations) remain essentially unaltered, after sorption of all considered guest molecules. The presently discovered beta ->alpha transition constitutes a route to obtain unoriented alpha-form films, which till now were not available by known preparation procedures.

Recommanded Product: 103-50-4. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Nagendra, B; Cozzolino, A; Golla, M; Daniel, C; Rizzo, P; Guerra, G or concate me.

Ether – Wikipedia,
,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Discover the magic of the C14H14O

About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Zhou, YW; Mu, YY; Hsieh, MF; Kabius, B; Pacheco, C; Bator, C; Rioux, RM; Rimer, JD or concate me.. Formula: C14H14O

Formula: C14H14O. I found the field of Chemistry very interesting. Saw the article Enhanced Surface Activity of MWW Zeolite Nanosheets Prepared via a One-Step Synthesis published in 2020, Reprint Addresses Rioux, RM (corresponding author), Penn State Univ, Dept Chem Engn, University Pk, PA 16801 USA.; Rioux, RM (corresponding author), Penn State Univ, Dept Chem, University Pk, PA 16801 USA.; Rimer, JD (corresponding author), Univ Houston, Dept Chem & Biomol Engn, Houston, TX 77204 USA.. The CAS is 103-50-4. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of Benzyl ether.

The synthesis of two-dimensional (2D) zeolites has garnered attention due to their superior properties for applications that span catalysis to selective separations. Prior studies of 2D zeolite catalysts demonstrated enhanced mass transport for improved catalyst lifetime and selectivity. Moreover, the significantly higher external surface area of 2D materials allows for reactions of bulky molecules too large to access interior pores. There are relatively few protocols for preparing 2D materials, owing to the difficultly of capping growth in one direction to only a few unit cells. To accomplish this, it is often necessary to employ complex, commercially unavailable organic structure-directing agents (OSDAs) prepared via multistep synthesis. However, a small subset of zeolite structures exist as naturally layered materials where postsynthesis steps can be used to exfoliate samples and produce ultrathin 2D nanosheets. In this study, we selected a common layered zeolite, the MWW framework, to explore methods of preparing 2D nanosheets via one-pot synthesis in the absence of complex organic templates. Using a combination of high-resolution microscopy and spectroscopy, we show that 2D MMW-type layers with an average thickness of 3.5 nm (ca. 1.5 unit cells) can be generated using the surfactant cetyltrimethylammonium (CTA), which operates as a dual OSDA and exfoliating agent to affect Al siting and to eliminate the need for postsynthesis exfoliation, respectively. We tested these 2D catalysts using a model reaction that assesses external (surface) Brmnsted acid sites and observed a marked increase in the conversion relative to three-dimensional MWW (MCM-22) and 2D layers prepared from postsynthesis exfoliation (ITQ-2). Collectively, our findings identify a facile and effective route to directly synthesize 2D MWW-type materials, which may prove to be more broadly applicable to other layered zeolites.

About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Zhou, YW; Mu, YY; Hsieh, MF; Kabius, B; Pacheco, C; Bator, C; Rioux, RM; Rimer, JD or concate me.. Formula: C14H14O

Ether – Wikipedia,
,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

What I Wish Everyone Knew About 103-50-4

Name: Benzyl ether. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Poole, CF or concate me.

Name: Benzyl ether. In 2020 J CHROMATOGR A published article about POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC-HYDROCARBONS; OPEN-TUBULAR COLUMNS; ENERGY RELATIONSHIPS; SEPARATION CHARACTERISTICS; STATIONARY PHASES; ADSORPTION MECHANISM; NONTARGET ANALYSIS; SOLVENT SYSTEMS; SELECTIVITY; DESCRIPTORS in [Poole, Colin F.] Wayne State Univ, Dept Chem, Detroit, MI 48202 USA in 2020, Cited 68. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4.

The Wayne State University (WSU) experimental descriptor database is utilized to bench mark the current capability of the solvation parameter model for use as a quantitative structure-retention relationship tool for estimating retention in gas and reversed-phase liquid chromatography. The prediction error for the retention factors of varied compounds on six open-tubular columns for gas chromatography (Rtx-5 SIL MS, DB-35 ms, RtxCLPesticides, HP-88, HP-INNOWAX and SLB-IL76) and three packed columns for reversed phase liquid chromatography (SunFire C-18 , XBridge Shield RP18, and XBridge Phenyl) is used to establish expectations related to current practices. Each column data set was divided into a training set for calibration and a test set for validation employing a roughly 1 to 2 split, such that each test set contained about 40 to 80 varied compounds. The average absolute error for the prediction of retention factors by gas chromatography varied from about 0.1 to 0.4 on the retention factor scale with the larger error typical of stationary phases ranked as the most polar (or cohesive). For reversed-phase liquid chromatography the average error for the prediction of retention factors was 0.3 to 0.5 and generally larger than for gas chromatography. Statistical filters where utilized to identify a group of polycyclic aromatic compounds without hydrogen-bonding functional groups with a larger prediction error on the SunFire C-18 column than for other compounds of smaller size, flexible structure or containing hydrogen-bonding functional groups. The heterogeneity of the retention mechanism is speculated to be the main contribution to the prediction error for both gas and liquid chromatography using the solvation parameter model. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Name: Benzyl ether. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Poole, CF or concate me.

Ether – Wikipedia,
,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

What unique challenges do researchers face in 103-50-4

Category: ethers-buliding-blocks. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Fabris, F; Lohr, J; Lima, E; de Almeida, AA; Troiani, HE; Rodriguez, LM; Mansilla, MV; Aguirre, MH; Goya, GF; Rinaldi, D; Ghirri, A; Peddis, D; Fiorani, D; Zysler, RD; De Biasi, E; Winkler, EL or concate me.

Authors Fabris, F; Lohr, J; Lima, E; de Almeida, AA; Troiani, HE; Rodriguez, LM; Mansilla, MV; Aguirre, MH; Goya, GF; Rinaldi, D; Ghirri, A; Peddis, D; Fiorani, D; Zysler, RD; De Biasi, E; Winkler, EL in IOP PUBLISHING LTD published article about COERCIVITY; MODEL in [Fabris, Fernando; Lohr, Javier; Lima, Enio, Jr.; de Almeida, Adriele Aparecida; Rodriguez, Luis M.; Vasquez Mansilla, Marcelo; Zysler, Roberto D.; De Biasi, Emilio; Winkler, Elin L.] Consejo Nacl Invest Cient & Tecn, Ctr Atom Bariloche, Inst Nanociencia & Nanotecnol CNEA, RA-8400 San Carlos De Bariloche, Argentina; [Lohr, Javier] Lab Argentino Haces Neutrones CNEA Argentina, San Carlos De Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina; [Troiani, Horacio E.] Ctr Atom Bariloche, Lab Caracterizac Mat & Oxidos Noestequiomet, Gerencia Invest Aplicada, RA-8400 San Carlos De Bariloche, Argentina; [Aguirre, Myriam H.] Univ Zaragoza, Inst Ciencias Mat Aragon, Mariano Esquillor S-N, E-50018 Zaragoza, Spain; [Aguirre, Myriam H.] Univ Zaragoza, Lab Microscopias Avanzadas, Mariano Esquillor S-N, E-50018 Zaragoza, Spain; [Aguirre, Myriam H.; Goya, Gerardo F.] Univ Zaragoza, Inst Nanociencias & Mat Aragon, Mariano Esquillor S-N, E-50018 Zaragoza, Spain; [Aguirre, Myriam H.; Goya, Gerardo F.] Univ Zaragoza, Dept Fis Mat Condensada, Mariano Esquillor S-N, E-50018 Zaragoza, Spain; [Rinaldi, Daniele] Univ Politecn Marche, Dept Mat Environm Sci & Urban Planning SIMAU, I-60131 Ancona, Italy; [Ghirri, Alberto] CNR, Ist Nanosci, Via Campi 213-A, I-41125 Modena, Italy; [Peddis, Davide; Fiorani, Dino] CNR, Ist Struttura Mat, Area Ric Roma 1,CP 10, I-00015 Rome, Italy; [Zysler, Roberto D.; De Biasi, Emilio; Winkler, Elin L.] Univ Nacl Cuyo, Inst Balseiro, Mendoza, Argentina in 2021, Cited 61. Category: ethers-buliding-blocks. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4

In this work it is shown a precise way to optimize the heat generation in high viscosity magnetic colloids, by adjusting the Neel relaxation time in core/shell bimagnetic nanoparticles, for magnetic fluid hyperthermia (MFH) applications. To pursue this goal, Fe3O4/ZnxCo1-xFe2O4 core/shell nanoparticles were synthesized with 8.5 nm mean core diameter, encapsulated in a shell of similar to 1.1 nm of thickness, where the Zn atomic ratio (Zn/(Zn + Co) at%) changes from 33 to 68 at%. The magnetic measurements are consistent with a rigid interface coupling between the core and shell phases, where the effective magnetic anisotropy systematically decreases when the Zn concentration increases, without a significant change of the saturation magnetization. Experiments of MFH of 0.1 wt% of these particles dispersed in water, in Dulbecco modified Eagles minimal essential medium, and a high viscosity butter oil, result in a large specific loss power (SLP), up to 150 W g(-1), when the experiments are performed at 571 kHz and 200 Oe. The SLP was optimized adjusting the shell composition, showing a maximum for intermediate Zn concentration. This study shows a way to maximize the heat generation in viscous media like cytosol, for those biomedical applications that require smaller particle sizes.

Category: ethers-buliding-blocks. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Fabris, F; Lohr, J; Lima, E; de Almeida, AA; Troiani, HE; Rodriguez, LM; Mansilla, MV; Aguirre, MH; Goya, GF; Rinaldi, D; Ghirri, A; Peddis, D; Fiorani, D; Zysler, RD; De Biasi, E; Winkler, EL or concate me.

Ether – Wikipedia,
,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Machine Learning in Chemistry about Benzyl ether

Name: Benzyl ether. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Parker, BF; Hosoya, H; Arnold, J; Tsurugi, H; Mashima, K or concate me.

Name: Benzyl ether. Parker, BF; Hosoya, H; Arnold, J; Tsurugi, H; Mashima, K in [Parker, Bernard F.; Hosoya, Hiromu; Tsurugi, Hayato; Mashima, Kazushi] Osaka Univ, Grad Sch Engn Sci, Dept Chem, Toyonaka, Osaka 5608531, Japan; [Parker, Bernard F.; Arnold, John] Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Chem, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA published alpha-Diimine-Niobium Complex-Catalyzed Deoxychlorination of Benzyl Ethers with Silicon Tetrachloride in 2019, Cited 34. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4.

alpha-Diimine niobium complexes serve as catalysts for deoxygenation of benzyl ethers by silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4) to cleanly give two equivalents of the corresponding benzyl chlorides, where SiCl4 has the dual function of oxygen scavenger and chloride source with the formation of a silyl ether or silica as the only byproduct. The reaction mechanism has two successive trans-etherification steps that are mediated by the niobium catalyst, first forming one equivalent of benzyl chloride along with the corresponding silyl ether intermediate that undergoes the same reaction pathway to give the second equivalent of benzyl chloride and silyl ether.

Name: Benzyl ether. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Parker, BF; Hosoya, H; Arnold, J; Tsurugi, H; Mashima, K or concate me.

Ether – Wikipedia,
,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Get Up to Speed Quickly on Emerging Topics:Benzyl ether

Recommanded Product: 103-50-4. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Chen, S; Knaus, J; Luo, J; Spinnrock, A; Sturm, EV; Colfen, H or concate me.

Recommanded Product: 103-50-4. Recently I am researching about PROTEIN ADSORPTION; HYDROXYAPATITE; NANOPARTICLES; BINDING; SILICA; SCIENCE; GROWTH; ACIDS, Saw an article supported by the . Published in AMER CHEMICAL SOC in WASHINGTON ,Authors: Chen, S; Knaus, J; Luo, J; Spinnrock, A; Sturm, EV; Colfen, H. The CAS is 103-50-4. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of Benzyl ether

Magnesium-stabilized amorphous calcium carbonate (Mg-ACC), amorphous magnesium calcium silicate hydrate (MCSH), and hydroxyapatite (HAp) are prepared by a precipitation method. By cold-pressing these particles, it is possible to produce porous bulk discs with a narrow pore size distribution. These porous inorganic discs (Mg-ACC, MCSH, and HAp) are investigated as stationary phases to study the chromatographic behavior and adsorption ability of rhodamine B, methylene blue, and ribonuclease. The adsorption affinities of different biomolecules can be easily observed and evaluated through this method. Furthermore, by infiltrating fabricated opaque porous discs with benzyl ether, which has a similar refractive index as the used inorganic particles (Mg-ACC, MCSH, and HAp), their optical properties significantly change and the discs become translucent. Moreover, by infiltrating the MCSH discs with a light-curing polymer, translucent composites with good surface hardness are fabricated. By doping particles with ions such as Ni2+, Co2+ , Fe3+, and Eu3+, the color and UV-visible spectrum of the bulk discs can be adjusted. Typically, by using iron-doped MCSH particles as the inorganic matrix, nanocomposites, which show a steep UV-absorption edge at 400 nm, are fabricated. Our work provides a simple and economical method to evaluate the affinity of biomolecules to inorganic materials and a novel way to fabricate translucent hard composite materials. The fabricated nanocomposite discs show a great UV shielding effect and superior surface hardness compared to polymethyl methacrylate and commercial sunglasses, suggesting their potential as new sunglass materials.

Recommanded Product: 103-50-4. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Chen, S; Knaus, J; Luo, J; Spinnrock, A; Sturm, EV; Colfen, H or concate me.

Ether – Wikipedia,
,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

An overview of features, applications of compound:Benzyl ether

Recommanded Product: 103-50-4. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Tang, YQ; Feng, CL; Yang, WF; Ji, M; Wang, W; Chen, JQ or concate me.

Recommanded Product: 103-50-4. In 2021 CHEM PAP published article about COMMERCIAL ZINC-OXIDE; ONE-POT SYNTHESIS; ACYLATIVE CLEAVAGE; ACID-CHLORIDES; ACYCLIC ETHERS; CYCLIC ETHERS; EFFICIENT; HALIDES; 2-AMINOTHIOPHENES; MILD in [Tang, Yuqi; Yang, Wanfeng; Wang, Wei; Chen, Junqing] Southeast Univ, Sch Chem & Chem Engn, Nanjing 211189, Jiangsu, Peoples R China; [Feng, Chengliang] Jiangsu Coll Engn & Technol, Inst Pharmaceut Engn, Nantong 226000, Jiangsu, Peoples R China; [Ji, Min] Southeast Univ, Sch Biol Sci & Med Engn, Nanjing 211189, Jiangsu, Peoples R China in 2021, Cited 31. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4.

An efficient method for the synthesis of chloroesters by the reaction of ethers with acyl chlorides catalyzed by nano-ZnO under solvent-free condition at room temperature was described. The method is compatible with a range of ethers including tricyclic ethers, tetracyclic ethers, pentacyclic ethers and hexacyclic ethers and have afforded the products with moderate to good yields. The ZnO could be reused up to three times and the product yield after three cycles is 87%.

Recommanded Product: 103-50-4. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Tang, YQ; Feng, CL; Yang, WF; Ji, M; Wang, W; Chen, JQ or concate me.

Ether – Wikipedia,
,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

The Shocking Revelation of C14H14O

SDS of cas: 103-50-4. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Kim, JY; Kim, MK; Kim, KB; Kim, HS; Lee, BM or concate me.

Kim, JY; Kim, MK; Kim, KB; Kim, HS; Lee, BM in [Kim, Ji Yun; Kim, Min Kook; Kim, Hyung Sik; Lee, Byung-Mu] Sungkyunkwan Univ, Coll Pharm, Div Toxicol, Seobu Ro 2066, Suwon 16419, Gyeonggi Do, South Korea; [Kim, Kyu-Bong] Dankook Univ, Coll Pharm, Cheonan, Chungnam, South Korea published Quantitative structure-activity and quantitative structure-property relationship approaches as alternative skin sensitization risk assessment methods in 2019, Cited 82. SDS of cas: 103-50-4. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4.

This study aimed to predict skin sensitization potency of selected chemicals by quantitatively analyzing their physicochemical properties by employing quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) and quantitative structure-property relationship (QSPR) approaches as alternative risk assessment methods to animal testing. Correlations between effective concentration for a stimulation index of 3 (EC3) (%), the amount of a chemical required to elicit a threefold increase in lymph node cell proliferative activity (stimulation index, >= 3), were calculated using local lymph node assay (LLNA) and physicochemical properties of 212 skin sensitizers and 38 non-sensitizers were investigated. The correlation coefficients between melting point (MP) and EC3 and between surface tension (ST) and EC3 were 0.65 and 0.69, respectively. The correlation coefficient for MP + ST and EC3 was estimated to be 0.72. Thus, correlation coefficients between EC3 and MP, ST, and MP + ST reliably predicted the skin sensitization potential of the chemicals with sensitivities of 72% (126/175), 70% (122/174), and 73% (116/158); specificities of 77% (27/35), 69% (22/32), and 81% (26/32); and accuracies of 73% (153/210), 70% (144/206), and 75% (142/190), respectively. Our findings suggest that the EC3 value may be more accurately predicted using the ST values of chemicals as opposed to MP values. Thus, information on MP and ST parameters of chemicals might be useful for predicting the EC3 values as not only an alternative approach to animal testing, but as a risk assessment method for skin sensitization.

SDS of cas: 103-50-4. About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Kim, JY; Kim, MK; Kim, KB; Kim, HS; Lee, BM or concate me.

Ether – Wikipedia,
,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem