Brief introduction of 103-50-4

Computed Properties of C14H14O. Welcome to talk about 103-50-4, If you have any questions, you can contact Chiosso, ME; Casella, ML; Merlo, AB or send Email.

An article Synthesis and catalytic evaluation of acidic carbons in the etherification of glycerol obtained from biodiesel production WOS:000662269700004 published article about BENZYL ALCOHOL; CRUDE GLYCEROL; CONVERSION; DEACTIVATION; ETHERS; FUEL in [Chiosso, Maria E.; Casella, Monica L.] Univ Nacl Noroeste Prov Buenos Aires, Dept Ciencias Basicas & Expt, Roque Saenz Pena 456, RA-6000 Junin, Argentina; [Chiosso, Maria E.; Casella, Monica L.] UNNOBA, UNSAdA, CONICET, Ctr Invest & Transferencia Noroeste Prov Buenos A, Monteagudo 2772, RA-2700 Pergamino, Argentina; [Chiosso, Maria E.; Merlo, Andrea B.] Univ Nacl La Plata, CONICET La Plata, CCT, Ctr Invest & Desarrollo Ciencias Aplicadas Dr Jor, Calle 47 257, RA-1900 La Plata, Argentina in 2021, Cited 37. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4. Computed Properties of C14H14O

In this paper, the catalytic behaviour of carbonaceous system (Ccs) functionalized with -SO3H groups were studied in the etherification of refined (Gly) and crude glycerol (GlyC), with benzyl alcohol (BA). This Ccs was obtained by a synthetic method with low energetic cost in only 24 h. Its catalytic activity and selectivity were studied varying the catalyst percentage (2.5, 5 and 10 wt.%), the initial reactant molar ratio and temperature (between 80 and 120 degrees C). A very good catalytic performance was achieved (97 % conversion after 360 min of reaction), at 120 degrees C, Gly:BA = 3:1 and 10 wt.% of Ccs. The high activity can be attributed to high acid site density (6.4 mmol H+/g), that also allowed us to working at lower reaction temperature (100 degrees C) and with less catalyst concentration (2.5 wt.%), without observing significant loss in BA conversion. Monoether (ME1) was the major product of the reaction with 72 % selectivity. The material can be reused and still gives a notable conversion of BA (about 43 %) after three successive reuses. Finally, the Ccs was active and selective to the desired products in the etherification of crude glycerol (GlyC) derived of biodiesel industry. An important BA conversion (45 %) was obtained only reducing the water content of GlyC and without carrying out any other purification and/or neutralization treatment.

Computed Properties of C14H14O. Welcome to talk about 103-50-4, If you have any questions, you can contact Chiosso, ME; Casella, ML; Merlo, AB or send Email.

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Some scientific research about Benzyl ether

Name: Benzyl ether. Bye, fridends, I hope you can learn more about C14H14O, If you have any questions, you can browse other blog as well. See you lster.

Name: Benzyl ether. In 2019 ACS SUSTAIN CHEM ENG published article about LIGNOCELLULOSE FRACTIONATION; REDUCTIVE FRACTIONATION; PHENOLIC MONOMERS; WOODY BIOMASS; DEPOLYMERIZATION; EFFICIENT; CHEMICALS; CONVERSION; NICKEL; HYDROGENATION in [Zhao, Weijie; Li, Xuan; Li, Haowei; Zheng, Xinlai; Ma, Hongwei; Long, Jinxing; Li, Xuehui] South China Univ Technol, Sch Chem & Chem Engn, State Key Lab Pulp & Paper Engn, Guangzhou 510640, Guangdong, Peoples R China in 2019, Cited 57. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4.

Bulk chemicals produced from renewable resources are receiving considerable attention due to the increase in sustainable practices. In this study, a novel, efficient, and sustainable strategy has been proposed to produce versatile petroleum based monophenols from the natural aromatic polymer, lignin, via the selective cleavage of its specific chemical linkages by a cost-effective catalyst, Ni/MgO. The results demonstrate that 93.4% of lignin is converted, yielding 15.0% monophenols in the presence of 20% Ni/MgO. Importantly, 42.3% of these volatile chemicals are found to be 4-ethyl phenol (the yield is 6.31%), a widely used fine chemical currently obtained from the petrochemical industry. Further comparative investigations on the raw and recovered lignin using heteronuclear single quantum correlation-nuclear magnetic resonance (HSQC-NMR), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), quantitative C-13 NMR, and the alkaline nitrobenzene oxidation method reveal that the selective breakage of the ester bond between the p-hydroxyphenyl structural unit and the other fragments followed by decarboxylation is responsible for the good performance of the 4-ethyl phenol formation process. Therefore, the results of this work would provide new insights for producing value-added petrochemicals from renewable lignin.

Name: Benzyl ether. Bye, fridends, I hope you can learn more about C14H14O, If you have any questions, you can browse other blog as well. See you lster.

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Chemical Properties and Facts of Benzyl ether

Computed Properties of C14H14O. Bye, fridends, I hope you can learn more about C14H14O, If you have any questions, you can browse other blog as well. See you lster.

An article Magnetic Hyperthermia and Photocatalytic Properties of MnFe(2)O(4)Nanoparticles Synthesized by Solvothermal Reflux Method WOS:000574332800001 published article about SUPERPARAMAGNETIC NATURE; FERROELECTRIC PROPERTIES; MNFE2O4 NANOPARTICLES; TEMPERATURE; DESIGN in [Manohar, A.; Krishnamoorthi, C.] Vellore Inst Technol, Ctr Nanotechnol Res, Vellore 632014, Tamil Nadu, India; [Manohar, A.] Korea Univ, Dept Mat Sci & Engn, 145 Anam Ro, Seoul 02841, South Korea; [Pavithra, C.] Marudhar Kesari Jain Coll, Dept Phys, Vaniyambadi 635752, Tamil Nadu, India; [Thota, Narayana] Indian Inst Sci, Solid State & Struct Chem, Bengaluru 560012, India in 2021, Cited 44. Computed Properties of C14H14O. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4

Development of new superparamagnetic materials with narrow size distribution is crucial for biomedical and environmental applications. Hence, we report the synthesis of narrow size distributed single grain MnFe(2)O(4)nanoparticles of average particle size 9 nm by solvothermal reflux method. Synthesized compound crystallized in face centered cubic spinel structure and is confirmed by X-ray diffraction profiles. Transmission electron micrograph shows narrow size distributed particles with an average particle size of 9 nm and is equal to crystallite diameter estimated from Scherrer equation. The spinel crystal structure is further confirmed by electron diffraction profiles, Fourier transformed infrared spectrum, and Raman spectrum at room temperature. Magnetic properties of the sample show superparamagnetic nature at room temperature with moderate saturated magnetization of 56.4 emug(-1). Magnetic heating properties of nanoparticles dispersion show the attainment of hyperthermia temperature (43 degrees C) in a short span of time of 1.6 min for 2 mg/mL and 2.6 min for 1 mg/mL concentrations. Estimated specific heat generation rate or specific power absorption rate, from temporal temperature plots, is 145.78 Wg(-1)and is useful for magnetic hyperthermia application in cancer therapy. Photocatalysis properties of sample show 96% of rhodamine B dye degradation in little less than 6 h under UV light irradiation and are useful for photocatalytic applications in wastewater treatment in industries.

Computed Properties of C14H14O. Bye, fridends, I hope you can learn more about C14H14O, If you have any questions, you can browse other blog as well. See you lster.

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Extracurricular laboratory: Synthetic route of Benzyl ether

Recommanded Product: Benzyl ether. Welcome to talk about 103-50-4, If you have any questions, you can contact Fu, ZJ; Liu, XP; Wang, YF; Du, SS; Tong, JF; Li, JF; Zhang, RL; Yang, CM; Xia, YJ or send Email.

Recommanded Product: Benzyl ether. Authors Fu, ZJ; Liu, XP; Wang, YF; Du, SS; Tong, JF; Li, JF; Zhang, RL; Yang, CM; Xia, YJ in PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD published article about in [Fu, Zhijie] Lanzhou Jiaotong Univ, Sch Elect & Informat Engn, Lanzhou 730070, Peoples R China; [Liu, Xingpeng; Wang, Yufei; Du, Sanshan; Tong, Junfeng; Li, Jianfeng; Xia, Yangjun] Lanzhou Jiaotong Univ, Gansu Prov Organ Semicond Mat & Technol Res Ctr, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, Lanzhou 730070, Peoples R China; [Zhang, Rongling] Lanzhou Jiaotong Univ, Sch Civil Engn, Lanzhou 730070, Peoples R China; [Yang, Chunming] Chinese Acad Sci, Shanghai Adv Res Inst, Shanghai Synchrotron Radiat Facil, Shanghai 201204, Peoples R China in 2021, Cited 53. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4

Conventional additives like 1,8-diiodooctane (DIO) and 1-chloronaphthalene (CN) play an essential role in optimization of blend film morphology of polymer solar cells (PSCs). However, they have halogenated elements in their end groups, which are harmful to the environment and humans, limiting large-scale applications. In this work, a novel non-toxic and non-halogen additive, dibenzyl ether (DE), was introduced into PTB7-Th:PC71BM based PSCs, and the role of the DE additive was systemically investigated. The results showed that DE additive can not only adjust phase separation and optimize the morphology of blend film, but also promote the mobility of hole and electron. The grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering (GISAXS) showed that the introduction of DE increased the interface area between PTB7-Th and PC71BM, which can promote exciton dissociation, and achieve better charge transport. Transient photovoltage (TPV) and transient photocurrent (TPC) measurements show that carrier recombination of the additive-containing devices can be effectively inhibited with improved charge transport efficiency of the active layer. Consequently, the devices with DE additive achieve power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 9.53% and a fill factor (FF) of 70.41%. Our non-toxic and non-halogen additive provides a potential solution for the preparation of environmental-friendly PSCs in the future.

Recommanded Product: Benzyl ether. Welcome to talk about 103-50-4, If you have any questions, you can contact Fu, ZJ; Liu, XP; Wang, YF; Du, SS; Tong, JF; Li, JF; Zhang, RL; Yang, CM; Xia, YJ or send Email.

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The Best Chemistry compound:Benzyl ether

About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Cobo-Golpe, M; Ramil, M; Cela, R; Rodriguez, I or concate me.. Computed Properties of C14H14O

Cobo-Golpe, M; Ramil, M; Cela, R; Rodriguez, I in [Cobo-Golpe, M.; Ramil, M.; Cela, R.; Rodriguez, I] Univ Santiago de Compostela, Inst Res Chem & Biol Anal IAQBUS, Dept Analyt Chem Nutr & Food Sci, Santiago De Compostela 15782, Spain published Portable dehumidifiers condensed water: A novel matrix for the screening of semi-volatile compounds in indoor air in 2020, Cited 28. Computed Properties of C14H14O. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4.

The comprehensive identification of organic species existing in indoor environments is a key issue to understand their impact in human health. This study proposes the analysis of condensed water samples, collected with portable dehumidifiers, to characterize semi-volatile compounds in the gas phase of confined areas. Water samples are concentrated by solid-phase extraction (SPE). The obtained extracts are analysed by gas chromatography (GC) time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS), following a nontarget screening data mining approach. In first term, spectra of deconvoluted compounds are compared with those in NIST low resolution library; thereafter, tentative identifications are verified using an inhouse database of accurate electron ionization (EI) MS spectra. Chromatographic (retention index) and spectral data are combined for unambiguous species identification. The potential of condensed water samples to reflect changes in the composition of indoor atmospheres, the match between data obtained using different dehumidifiers, and the relative concentration efficiency of condensed water compared to that attained by active sampling of moderate air volumes are discussed. A total of 141 semi-volatile compounds were identified (98 confirmed against authentic standards) in a set of 21 samples obtained from different homes and working places. This list contains more than 40 fragrances (including several potential allergens), solvents and intermediates in the production of polymeric materials, plasticizers and flame retardants. (C) 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

About Benzyl ether, If you have any questions, you can contact Cobo-Golpe, M; Ramil, M; Cela, R; Rodriguez, I or concate me.. Computed Properties of C14H14O

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,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

When did you first realize you had a special interest and talent inC14H14O

Welcome to talk about 103-50-4, If you have any questions, you can contact Monsigny, L; Thuery, P; Berthet, JC; Cantat, T or send Email.. Name: Benzyl ether

Authors Monsigny, L; Thuery, P; Berthet, JC; Cantat, T in AMER CHEMICAL SOC published article about RING-OPENING POLYMERIZATION; METAL-FREE; CRYSTAL-STRUCTURE; REDUCTIVE DEPOLYMERIZATION; CARBONYL-COMPOUNDS; ALDOL CONDENSATION; SYMMETRIC ETHERS; CARBOXYLIC-ACIDS; CYCLOTRIMERIZATION; ETHERIFICATION in [Monsigny, Louis; Thuery, Pierre; Berthet, Jean-Claude; Cantat, Thibault] Univ Paris Saclay, CEA Saclay, CNRS, NIMBE,CEA, F-91191 Gif Sur Yvette, France in 2019, Cited 76. Name: Benzyl ether. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4

We report herein the possibility to perform the hydrosilylation of carbonyls using actinide complexes as catalysts. While complexes of the uranyl ion [UO2](2+) have been poorly considered in catalysis, we show the potentialities of the Lewis acid [UO2(OTf)(2)] (1) in the catalytic hydrosilylation of a series of aldehydes. [UO2(OTf)(2)] proved to be a very active catalyst affording distinct reduction products depending on the nature of the reductant. With Et3SiH, a number of aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes are reduced into symmetric ethers, while (Pr3SiH)-Pr-i yielded silylated alcohols. Studies of the reaction mechanism led to the isolation of aldehyde/uranyl complexes, [UO2(OTf)(2)(4-Me2N-PhCHO)(3)], [UO2(mu-kappa(2)-OTf)(2)(PhCHO)](n), and [UO2(mu-kappa(2)-OTf(kappa(1)-OTf)(PhCHO)(2)](2), which have been fully characterized by NMR, IR, and single-crystal X-ray diffraction.

Welcome to talk about 103-50-4, If you have any questions, you can contact Monsigny, L; Thuery, P; Berthet, JC; Cantat, T or send Email.. Name: Benzyl ether

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Brief introduction of C14H14O

Welcome to talk about 103-50-4, If you have any questions, you can contact Tang, YQ; Feng, CL; Yang, WF; Ji, M; Wang, W; Chen, JQ or send Email.. Application In Synthesis of Benzyl ether

An article Synthesis of chloroesters by the reaction of ethers with acyl chlorides catalyzed by ZnO WOS:000545883700002 published article about COMMERCIAL ZINC-OXIDE; ONE-POT SYNTHESIS; ACYLATIVE CLEAVAGE; ACID-CHLORIDES; ACYCLIC ETHERS; CYCLIC ETHERS; EFFICIENT; HALIDES; 2-AMINOTHIOPHENES; MILD in [Tang, Yuqi; Yang, Wanfeng; Wang, Wei; Chen, Junqing] Southeast Univ, Sch Chem & Chem Engn, Nanjing 211189, Jiangsu, Peoples R China; [Feng, Chengliang] Jiangsu Coll Engn & Technol, Inst Pharmaceut Engn, Nantong 226000, Jiangsu, Peoples R China; [Ji, Min] Southeast Univ, Sch Biol Sci & Med Engn, Nanjing 211189, Jiangsu, Peoples R China in 2021, Cited 31. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4. Application In Synthesis of Benzyl ether

An efficient method for the synthesis of chloroesters by the reaction of ethers with acyl chlorides catalyzed by nano-ZnO under solvent-free condition at room temperature was described. The method is compatible with a range of ethers including tricyclic ethers, tetracyclic ethers, pentacyclic ethers and hexacyclic ethers and have afforded the products with moderate to good yields. The ZnO could be reused up to three times and the product yield after three cycles is 87%.

Welcome to talk about 103-50-4, If you have any questions, you can contact Tang, YQ; Feng, CL; Yang, WF; Ji, M; Wang, W; Chen, JQ or send Email.. Application In Synthesis of Benzyl ether

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An overview of features, applications of compound:Benzyl ether

SDS of cas: 103-50-4. Bye, fridends, I hope you can learn more about C14H14O, If you have any questions, you can browse other blog as well. See you lster.

SDS of cas: 103-50-4. Recently I am researching about PHOTOREDOX CATALYSIS; SELECTIVE OXIDATION; OXYGEN-EVOLUTION; BENZYL ALCOHOL; OXIDES; WATER; NANOCOMPOSITES; NANOCRYSTALS; BINARY; RUTILE, Saw an article supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Basic Energy Sciences, Catalysis Science ProgramUnited States Department of Energy (DOE) [DE-SC0006587]; University of MichiganUniversity of Michigan System; NSFNational Science Foundation (NSF) [DMR-0420785]. Published in ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY in CAMBRIDGE ,Authors: McDonald, KD; Bartlett, BM. The CAS is 103-50-4. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of Benzyl ether

With the aid of direct heating through microwave irradiation in non-aqueous media, nanocrystalline tungsten(vi) oxide is achievable in 30 minutes at 200 degrees C, faster and at a lower temperature than conventional synthesis methods. Forming in a platelet morphology, these particles are as small as 20 nm with a BET surface area of 37 m(2) g(-1) WO3. These nanoplatelets are active for the photocatalytic oxidation of the 1 degrees alcohols benzyl alcohol (rate constant, k of 2.6 x 10(-3) h(-1)) and 5-(hydroxymethyl)-2-furfural (k of 0.01 h(-1)) using 10 mg of WO3 with 2 mL of 0.250 M substrate in acetonitrile and a 150 mW cm(-2) 460 nm blue LED source. As expected, these rate constants are larger than those observed for commercially prepared, micron-sized WO3. XPS analysis shows that during catalysis, the concentration of W5+ on the surface increases, but the nanoplatelets are stable under these reaction conditions. The overall morphology and size of the particles are retained through the reactions. Moreover, the nanoplatelets are recyclable-showing no loss in activity for four reaction cycles.

SDS of cas: 103-50-4. Bye, fridends, I hope you can learn more about C14H14O, If you have any questions, you can browse other blog as well. See you lster.

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Chemical Research in 103-50-4

COA of Formula: C14H14O. Welcome to talk about 103-50-4, If you have any questions, you can contact Fan, D; Qiao, YY; Cao, KP; Sun, LJ; Xu, ST; Tian, P; Liu, ZM or send Email.

An article Preparation of hierarchical SAPO-18 via alkaline/acid etching WOS:000527329400019 published article about MOLECULAR-SIEVES; MORDENITE ZEOLITES; MESOPOROSITY; DESILICATION; PERFORMANCE; CRYSTALS; METHANOL in [Fan, Dong; Cao, Kaipeng; Sun, Lijing; Xu, Shutao; Tian, Peng; Liu, Zhongmin] Chinese Acad Sci, Dalian Inst Chem Phys, Natl Engn Lab Methanol Olefins, Dalian Natl Lab Clean Energy, Dalian 116023, Peoples R China; [Qiao, Yuyan] China Natl Chem Engn Co Ltd CNCEC, China Chem Technol Res Inst, Beijing 100007, Peoples R China; [Cao, Kaipeng; Sun, Lijing] Chinese Acad Sci, Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing 100049, Peoples R China in 2020, Cited 32. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4. COA of Formula: C14H14O

Hierarchical SAPO-18 molecular sieve was successfully post-synthesized in the alkaline tetraethyl ammonium hydroxide (TEAOH) solution and hydrochloride (HCl) acid solution. In the TEAOH solution, preferential dissolution occurs surrounding the defect sites in a controlled manner, leading to hierarchical SAPO-18 with wellpreserved chemical compositions and crystallinities. In acidic solution, the dissolution is revealed to be sensitive to both the defects and the chemical compositions (selective dissolution of the Si-O-Al domains), which cooperatively contribute to the generation of meso-/macropores in the crystals. The crystallization of SAPO-18 precursor is thus inferred to proceed via an oriented nanoparticle attachment mechanism in the early stage. The twinning and intergmwth of nanoparticles occur in an ordered way, leading to the oriented arrangement of the crystallite boundaries. The defects located at the intergrowth interface are prone to acid/alkaline attacks, and play crucial role in the development of hierarchical pore systems. The hierarchical SAPO-18 sample exhibits excellent catalytic reaction performance in the liquid phase benzylation reaction of benzene and benzyl alcohol.

COA of Formula: C14H14O. Welcome to talk about 103-50-4, If you have any questions, you can contact Fan, D; Qiao, YY; Cao, KP; Sun, LJ; Xu, ST; Tian, P; Liu, ZM or send Email.

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,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Awesome and Easy Science Experiments about Benzyl ether

SDS of cas: 103-50-4. Bye, fridends, I hope you can learn more about C14H14O, If you have any questions, you can browse other blog as well. See you lster.

Authors Chen, WL; Xiang, Q; Peng, T; Song, CY; Shang, W; Deng, T; Wu, JB in CELL PRESS published article about ELECTROCATALYSTS; SURFACES in [Chen, Wenlong; Xiang, Qian; Peng, Tao; Song, Chengyi; Shang, Wen; Deng, Tao; Wu, Jianbo] Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Sch Mat Sci & Engn, State Key Lab Met Matrix Composites, Shanghai 200240, Peoples R China; [Wu, Jianbo] Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ, Ctr Hydrogen Sci, Shanghai 200240, Peoples R China in 2020, Cited 28. SDS of cas: 103-50-4. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4

The sluggish kinetics of the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) on electrocatalysts represents a major obstacle in the development of fuel cell technology. A tremendous amount of work has reported the increasing ORR activity for catalysts. Nevertheless, when applied to practical Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA, an assembled stack of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell) configuration, the high-performance catalysts on the rotating disk electrode (RDE) may not display the same high activity as in the lab-scale tests. This led us to reexamine the ORR evaluation based on the RDE technique. With the development of high active electrocatalysts, it may become significant to determine the reasonable kinetic current at a conventional fixed potential approaching the limited current by using the Koutecky-Levich (K-L) technique on RDE for the evaluation of ORR activity. Here we describe such a challenging situation and systematically discuss the proper kinetic region when comparing the ORR activity with the unsuitable potential or Pt loading based on the K-L technique. Furthermore, the rational benchmarking guidelines are given for the evaluation of the ORR electrocatalysts.

SDS of cas: 103-50-4. Bye, fridends, I hope you can learn more about C14H14O, If you have any questions, you can browse other blog as well. See you lster.

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,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem