Researchers who often do experiments know that organic synthesis is a process of preparing more complex target molecules from simple raw materials through one or more chemical reactions. Generally, it requires fewer steps, and cheap raw materials. 5961-59-1, name is 4-Methoxy-N-methylaniline, A new synthetic method of this compound is introduced below., HPLC of Formula: C8H11NO
General procedure: Compound 1a (0.0016g, 0.0043 mmol),HBpin (94L, 0.645 mmol), N-methylaniline (23 L, 0.215mmol), the internal standard1,3,5-trimethoxybenzene (10 mg) and CD3CN (0.4 mL) were loaded in a dried J-Young Tube under argonatmosphere. The sample was degassed using a freeze-pump-thaw method, and CO2 (approximately 45 mg)was introduced into the NMR tube at -196 oC. The reaction was monitored by NMR spectroscopy.PhMeN(CHO) 8a was purified by preparative TLC using ethyl acetate/hexane/triethylamine as eluent.Spectral data of all products are in accordance with those reported in the literature.
The basis of chemical reaction formula synthesis, the synthesis route is composed of some specific reactions and combined according to certain logical thinking. We look forward to the emergence of more reaction modes in the future.
Article; Wu, Di; Wang, Ruixing; Li, Yongxin; Ganguly, Rakesh; Hirao, Hajime; Kinjo, Rei; Chem; vol. 3; 1; (2017); p. 134 – 151;,
Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem