Analyzing the synthesis route of 2398-37-0

According to the analysis of related databases, 2398-37-0, the application of this compound in the production field has become more and more popular.

Related Products of 2398-37-0, In the chemical reaction process, reaction time, type of solvent, can easily affect the result of the reaction, thereby determining the yield and properties of the reaction product. An updated downstream synthesis route of 2398-37-0 as follows.

The advantageous effect of adding zinc chloride to an amination reaction was demonstrated in the amination reaction of 3-bromoanisole. the results of which are summarized in Table 10. When 3-bromoanisole was reacted under the standard lithium amide amination conditions, using lithium amide (10 eq.) in the presence of (CyPF-^-Bu)PdCl2 (1 mol%) in DME gave a complicated mixture of products was obtained (Table 10, Entry 1). When conducted in the presence of zinc chloride and TMEDA, however, the reaction could successfully gave the desired monoarylation product, 3-methoxyaniline, although at high concentrationsN,N-dimethyl-3-methoxyaniline was formed in a significant amount as a by- product (Table 10, Entries 3 and 4). Under optimized conditions (Table 10, Entries 8 and 9), 3-methoxyaniline was formed selectively in good yield.

According to the analysis of related databases, 2398-37-0, the application of this compound in the production field has become more and more popular.

Patent; YALE UNIVERSITY; WO2007/109365; (2007); A2;,
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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem