Dealkylation of Lignin to Phenol via Oxidation-Hydrogenation Strategy was written by Wang, Min;Liu, Meijiang;Li, Hongji;Zhao, Zhitong;Zhang, Xiaochen;Wang, Feng. And the article was included in ACS Catalysis in 2018.Related Products of 2380-78-1 The following contents are mentioned in the article:
Lignin is a renewable and abundant aromatic polymer found in plants. We herein propose a “cutting tail” methodol. to produce phenol from lignin, which is achieved by combining Ru/CeO2 catalyst and CuCl2 oxidant via an oxidation-hydrogenation route. Phenol was obtained from separated poplar lignin with 13 wt % yield. Even raw biomass, such as poplar, birch, pine, peanut, bamboo willow, and straw, could be converted into phenol in 1-33 mg per g of biomass. This study involved multiple reactions and reactants, such as 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenethanol (cas: 2380-78-1Related Products of 2380-78-1).
4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenethanol (cas: 2380-78-1) belongs to ethers. Carboxylic acid esters of low molecular weight are colourless, volatile liquids with pleasant odours, slightly soluble in water. Esters contain a carbonyl center, which gives rise to 120° C–C–O and O–C–O angles. Unlike amides, esters are structurally flexible functional groups because rotation about the C–O–C bonds has a low barrier. Their flexibility and low polarity is manifested in their physical properties; they tend to be less rigid (lower melting point) and more volatile (lower boiling point) than the corresponding amides. Related Products of 2380-78-1
Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem