Li, Jiaxin’s team published research in Advanced Functional Materials in 2020-07-06 | CAS: 143-24-8

Advanced Functional Materials published new progress about Anodes. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Synthetic Route of 143-24-8.

Li, Jiaxin published the artcileLi-CO2 Batteries Efficiently Working at Ultra-Low Temperatures, Synthetic Route of 143-24-8, the main research area is low temperature lithium carbon dioxide battery.

Lithium-carbon dioxide (Li-CO2) batteries are considered promising energy-storage systems in extreme environments with ultra-high CO2 concentrations, such as Mars with 96% CO2 in the atm., due to their potentially high specific energy densities. However, besides having ultra-high CO2 concentration, another vital but seemingly overlooked fact lies in that Mars is an extremely cold planet with an average temperature of approx. -60°C. The existing Li-CO2 batteries could work at room temperature or higher, but they will face severe performance degradation or even a complete failure once the ambient temperature falls below 0°C. Herein, ultra-low-temperature Li-CO2 batteries are demonstrated by designing 1,3-dioxolane-based electrolyte and iridium-based cathode, which show both a high deep discharge capacity of 8976 mAh g-1 and a long lifespan of 150 cycles (1500 h) with a fixed 500 mAh g-1 capacity per cycle at -60°C. The easy-to-decompose discharge products in small size on the cathode and the suppressed parasitic reactions both in the electrolyte and on the Li anode at low temperatures together contribute to the above high electrochem. performances.

Advanced Functional Materials published new progress about Anodes. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Synthetic Route of 143-24-8.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Jankowski, Piotr’s team published research in Batteries & Supercaps in 2020 | CAS: 143-24-8

Batteries & Supercaps published new progress about Anions. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, COA of Formula: C10H22O5.

Jankowski, Piotr published the artcileStructure of Magnesium Chloride Complexes in Ethereal Systems: Computational Comparison of THF and Glymes as Solvents for Magnesium Battery Electrolytes, COA of Formula: C10H22O5, the main research area is magnesium chloride THF electrolyte electron transfer anion glyme.

The structure of the electrolyte is crucial for the performance of rechargeable magnesium batteries. Doubly charged cations interact much stronger with both anions and solvent mols., forming different size clusters. Here, we apply DFT calculations to investigate salt solvation by altering the first solvation shell of the magnesium-chloride complexes in different ethereal solvents: THF, monoglyme, diglyme, triglyme and tetraglyme. The anal. was performed by looking for the most stable structures, considering mono-, di- and trimeric clusters of MgxCly. The determination of clusters geometries, together with their energies, resulted in a comprehensive picture of the thermodynamically preferred state of the electrolyte, and allowed for a simple assessment of the electrochem. activity of the electrolyte. Our anal. shows that clustering is beneficial for desolvation of magnesium from the cluster, but causes overpotentials due to hindered electron transfer.

Batteries & Supercaps published new progress about Anions. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, COA of Formula: C10H22O5.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Bolton, P. D.’s team published research in Australian Journal of Chemistry in 1969 | CAS: 16332-06-2

Australian Journal of Chemistry published new progress about Entropy. 16332-06-2 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2-Methoxyacetamide, and the molecular formula is C3H7NO2, COA of Formula: C3H7NO2.

Bolton, P. D. published the artcileHydrolysis of amides. III. Dilute acid hydrolysis of amides of the type RCH2CONH2, COA of Formula: C3H7NO2, the main research area is amides acid hydrolysis kinetics; acid hydrolysis kinetics amides; hydrolysis acid kinetics amides.

Rate constants over a range of temperature, enthalpies of activation, and entropies of activation are reported for the dilute acid hydrolysis of n-valeramide, isovaleramide, 3,3-dimethylbutanamide, phenylacetamide, cyclohexylacetamide, methoxyacetamide, bromoacetamide, and chloroacetamide. The rate constants of the first six amides together with those of two other alkyl-substituted acetamides determined earlier are almost perfectly correlated by the Taft linear steric energy relation. The enthalpies of activation, also, show a linear dependence on the steric parameter, Es. The results obtained for the halo amides indicate that the acid hydrolysis of amides may show a slight sensitivity to polar effects.

Australian Journal of Chemistry published new progress about Entropy. 16332-06-2 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2-Methoxyacetamide, and the molecular formula is C3H7NO2, COA of Formula: C3H7NO2.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Liu, Qingshan’s team published research in Journal of Molecular Liquids in 2021-07-01 | CAS: 143-24-8

Journal of Molecular Liquids published new progress about Density. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, HPLC of Formula: 143-24-8.

Liu, Qingshan published the artcileStudy of apparent molar volumes of ether functionalized ionic liquids with three ether solvents, HPLC of Formula: 143-24-8, the main research area is molar volume ether functionalized ionic liquid solvent.

The d. of two functionalized ionic liquids (FILs) 1-methoxyethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide ([MOEmim][NTf2] and 1-methoxyethyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium bis[(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl]imide [MOEmmim][NTf2]) have been measured with ether solvents proprylene glycol monomethyl ether (PEGMME), diethylene glycol di-Me ether (DEGDME), tetraethylene glycol di-Me ether (TEGDME) at diluted concentration range. The determined temperature range is from 293.15 to 328.15 K at atm. pressure. The measured densities are used for the calculation of apparent molar volumes, Vφ/m3.mol-1, at the temperature range. The effects of the ether (-O-) and Me (-CH3) introduction on imidazolium cation are discussed for the d. and apparent molar volume in deeply. The Redlich-Rosenfeld-Meyer (RRM) equation was used for the fitting of apparent molar volumes, Vφ/m3.mol-1, for the six studied dilute solutions The infinite dilution apparent molar volumes, Vφ/m3.mol-1, and limiting apparent molar expansibility, E0φ/cm3.mol-1.K-1, have been obtained and discussed from the RRM equation and polynomial equation. The thermal expansion coefficients, α/K-1, have also been calculated and discussed from d. for the studied dilute solutions in the temperature range.

Journal of Molecular Liquids published new progress about Density. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, HPLC of Formula: 143-24-8.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Komudzinska, Marlena’s team published research in Journal of Molecular Liquids in 2022-06-01 | CAS: 143-24-8

Journal of Molecular Liquids published new progress about Density. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Recommanded Product: 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane.

Komudzinska, Marlena published the artcileThe volume properties of selected glymes in N,N-dimethylformamide + water mixtures. The hydrophobic hydration process of glymes, Recommanded Product: 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, the main research area is glyme molar volume hydration.

This paper presents the d. of selected glymes (monoglyme, diglyme, triglyme and tetraglyme) in N,N-dimethylformamide + water mixtures at four temperatures: 293.15 K, 298.15 K, 303.15 K and 308.15 K. The d. data were used to calculate the apparent molar volumes (VΦ,m) and limiting apparent molar volumes (V0Φ,m = V0m), as well as the limiting molar expansion volume coefficient E0p,m. Changes in the obtained values of the physicochem. parameters, as functions of composition and temperature, were analyzed in terms of the mol. interactions and structural differentiation of the investigated systems. The process of hydrophobic hydration of the studied glymes is visible in the area of high water content in the mixture

Journal of Molecular Liquids published new progress about Density. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Recommanded Product: 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Gonzalez, Juan A.’s team published research in Journal of Solution Chemistry in 2020-03-31 | CAS: 143-24-8

Journal of Solution Chemistry published new progress about Density. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, COA of Formula: C10H22O5.

Gonzalez, Juan A. published the artcileVolumetric and Viscosimetric Measurements for Methanol + CH3-O-(CH2CH2O)n-CH3 (n = 2, 3, 4) Mixtures at (293.15-303.15) K and Atmospheric Pressure: Application of the ERAS Model, COA of Formula: C10H22O5, the main research area is methanol trioxanonane tetraoxadodecane pentaoxapentadecane thermophys property.

Abstract: Densities, ρ, and kinematic viscosities, ν, have been determined at atm. pressure and at 293.15-303.15 K for binary mixtures formed by methanol and one linear polyether of the type CH3-O-(CH2CH2O)n-CH3 (n = 2, 3, 4). Measurements on ρ and ν were carried out, resp., using an Anton Paar DMA 602 vibrating-tube densimeter and an Ubbelohde viscosimeter. The ρ values were used to compute excess molar volumes, VEm, and, together with the ν results, dynamic viscosities (η). Deviations from linear dependence on mole fraction for viscosity, Δη, are also provided. Different semi-empirical equations have been employed to correlate viscosity data. Particularly, the equations used are the: Grunberg-Nissan, Hind, Frenkel, Katti-Chaudhri, McAllister and Heric. Calculations show that better results are obtained from the Hind equation. The VEm values are large and neg. and contrast with the pos. excess molar enthalpies, HEm, available in the literature, for these systems. Methanol + CH3-O-(CH2CH2O)n-CH3 mixtures have been treated in the framework of the ERAS model. Results for HEm are acceptable, while the composition dependence of the VEm curves is poorly represented. This has been ascribed to the existence of strong dipolar and structural effects in the present solutions

Journal of Solution Chemistry published new progress about Density. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, COA of Formula: C10H22O5.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Zivkovic, Nikola V.’s team published research in Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data in 2020-06-11 | CAS: 143-24-8

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data published new progress about Density. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Name: 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane.

Zivkovic, Nikola V. published the artcileVolumetric and Viscometric Study of 1-Hexanol-Based Binary Systems: Experimental Determination and Modeling, Name: 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, the main research area is volumetric viscometric hexanol based binary system model.

D., viscosity, and refractive index of four binary mixtures with 1-hexanol are exptl. determined at seven temperatures, at from 288.15 to 318.15 K and at atm. pressure. The choice of mixtures was based on their potential for applications in flue gas cleaning processes. From exptl. data, excess molar volume, viscosity deviation, excess molar Gibbs free energy of activation of viscous flow, deviation in refractive index, and partial and excess partial molar volumes are calculated, correlated with the Redlich-Kister equation, and used for better understanding of mol. interactions between the mixture components. Since the mixtures were investigated both from the theor. point of view and with the aspect for practical applications, modeling of two key properties, viscosity and excess molar volume, was performed with different models and approaches and the results are compared with exptl. values.

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data published new progress about Density. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Name: 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

De Giorgio, Francesca’s team published research in Energies (Basel, Switzerland) in 2022 | CAS: 143-24-8

Energies (Basel, Switzerland) published new progress about Binders. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, HPLC of Formula: 143-24-8.

De Giorgio, Francesca published the artcileDeciphering the Interplay between Binders and Electrolytes on the Performance of Li4Ti5O12 Electrodes for Li-Ion Batteries, HPLC of Formula: 143-24-8, the main research area is binder electrolyte lithium titanium oxide electrode battery.

Lithium titanium oxide (Li4Ti5O12, LTO) is an attractive neg. electrode for the development of safe-next-generation-lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). LTO can find specific applications complementary to existing alternatives for LIBs thanks to its good rate capability at high C-rates, fast lithium intercalation, and high cycling stability. Furthermore, LIBs featuring LTO electrodes are inherently safer owing to the LTO’s operating potential of 1.55 V vs. Li+/Li where the commonly used organic-based electrolytes are thermodynamically stable. Herein, we report the combined use of water-soluble sodium alginate (SA) binder and lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (LiTFSI)-tetraglyme (1m-T) electrolyte and we demonstrate the improvement of the electrochem. performance of LTO-based electrodes with respect to those operating in conventional electrolyte 1M LiPF6-ethylene carbonate: di-Me carbonate (LP30). We also tackle the anal. of the impact of combining the binder/electrolyte on the long-term cycling performance of LTO electrodes featuring SA or conventional polyvinylidene fluoride (PVdF) as binders. Therefore, to assess the impact of the combination of binder/electrolyte on performance, we performed post-mortem characterization by ex situ synchrotron diffraction experiments of LTO electrodes after cycling in LP30 and 1m-T electrolytes.

Energies (Basel, Switzerland) published new progress about Binders. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, HPLC of Formula: 143-24-8.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Jabbari, Vahid’s team published research in Small in 2022-01-27 | CAS: 143-24-8

Small published new progress about Bending. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks.

Jabbari, Vahid published the artcileA Smart Lithium Battery with Shape Memory Function, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks, the main research area is lithium battery shape memory polymer ionic conductivity mech deformation; flexible electronics; mechanical deformation; shape memory polymer electrolytes; shape recovery; shape-adjustable batteries.

Rapidly growing flexible and wearable electronics highly demand the development of flexible energy storage devices. Yet, these devices are susceptible to extreme, repeated mech. deformations under working circumstances. Herein, the design and fabrication of a smart, flexible Li-ion battery with shape memory function, which has the ability to restore its shape against severe mech. deformations, bending, twisting, rolling or elongation, is reported. The shape memory function is induced by the integration of a shape-adjustable solid polymer electrolyte. This Li-ion battery delivers a specific discharge capacity of ≈140 mAh g-1 at 0.2 C charge/discharge rate with ≈92% capacity retention after 100 cycles and ≈99.85% Coulombic efficiency, at 20°C. Besides recovery from mech. deformations, it is visually demonstrated that the shape of this smart battery can be programmed to adjust itself in response to an internal/external heat stimulus for task-specific and advanced applications. Considering the vast range of available shape memory polymers with tunable chem., phys., and mech. characteristics, this study offers a promising approach for engineering smart batteries responsive to unfavorable internal or external stimulus, with potential to have a broad impact on other energy storage technologies in different sizes and shapes.

Small published new progress about Bending. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Lee, Dawoon’s team published research in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces in 2019-11-13 | CAS: 143-24-8

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces published new progress about Bending. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Formula: C10H22O5.

Lee, Dawoon published the artcileHighly Flexible and Stable Solid-State Supercapacitors Based on a Homogeneous Thin Ion Gel Polymer Electrolyte Using a Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Stamp, Formula: C10H22O5, the main research area is flexible supercapacitor ion gel polymer electrolyte methylsiloxane stamp; ion gel polymer electrolyte (IGPE); metal−insulator−metal (MIM) capacitor; silicone-based elastomer; stamping method; supercapacitor.

To achieve both high structural integrity and excellent ion transport, designing ion gel polymer electrolytes (IGPEs) composed of an ionic conducting phase and a mech. supporting polymer matrix is one of the promising material strategies for the development of next-generation all-solid-state energy storage systems. Herein, an IGPE thin film is prepared, in which an ion-diffusing phase containing ionic liquids and lithium salts was bicontinuously intertwined with a cross-linked epoxy phase, using a silicon elastomer-based stamping method, thus producing a homogeneous IGPE-based thin film with low surface roughness = 0.5 nm. Following the optimization of the IGPE thin film in terms of the concentrations of ionic constituents, the film thickness, and various process parameters, the IGPE itself showed a high ionic conductivity of 0.23 mS/cm with a low activation energy for lithium-ion transport, as well as the high capacitance of approx. 10μF/cm2 based on the metal-insulator-metal configuration. Furthermore, an all-solid-state supercapacitor containing two IGPE coating-activated carbon electrodes produced using the poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) stamping method exhibited high energy and power densities (44 W h/kg at 875 W/kg and 28 kW/kg at 3 W h/kg). It was also found that this supercapacitor showed a dramatic reduction (> 50%) of the current-resistance (IR) drop, which is an indicator of low interface resistance, while maintaining the initial electrochem. performance even after severe mech. deformation such as bending or rolling. Therefore, all these results support the fact that our developed PDMS stamping method enables the rendering of a high-performance ion gel polymer thin-film-based electrolyte with acceptable stability and mech. flexibility for all-solid-state wearable energy storage devices.

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces published new progress about Bending. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, Formula: C10H22O5.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem