Leicunaite, Jelena’s team published research in Comptes Rendus Chimie in 2010-10-31 | CAS: 622-86-6

Comptes Rendus Chimie published new progress about HPLC. 622-86-6 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is (2-Chloroethoxy)benzene, and the molecular formula is C8H9ClO, HPLC of Formula: 622-86-6.

Leicunaite, Jelena published the artcileLiquid chromatography and characterization of ether-functionalized imidazolium ionic liquids on mixed-mode reversed-phase/cation exchange stationary phase, HPLC of Formula: 622-86-6, the main research area is ether functionalized imidazolium ionic liquid mixed mode liquid chromatog; reversed phase cation exchange HPLC imidazolium ionic liquid.

A new series [CnOmmim]Cl of imidazolium cation-based ionic liquids (ILs), with an ether functional group on the alkyl side-chain, was prepared The possibility of analyzing the ionic liquids by HPLC was studied on mixed-mode reversed/cation exchange stationary phase with the aqueous-acetonitrile mobile phase. Elution parameters, such as retention factor, selectivity and column efficiency, were studied as functions of mobile phase composition and pH. The ILs were characterized by elemental anal., and IR, UV and 1H, 13C NMR spectroscopy.

Comptes Rendus Chimie published new progress about HPLC. 622-86-6 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is (2-Chloroethoxy)benzene, and the molecular formula is C8H9ClO, HPLC of Formula: 622-86-6.

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Anon, Elena’s team published research in Science and Technology of Advanced Materials in 2019 | CAS: 23783-42-8

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials published new progress about Dyes. 23783-42-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol, and the molecular formula is C9H20O5, Name: 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol.

Anon, Elena published the artcileNot always what closes best opens better: mesoporous nanoparticles capped with organic gates, Name: 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol, the main research area is mesoporous nanoparticle gated nanodevice esterase controlled release; 10 Engineering and Structural materials; 102 Porous / Nanoporous / Nanostructured materials; Mesoporous nanoparticles; esterase controlled release; gated nanodevices.

Four types of calcined MCM-41 silica nanoparticles, loaded with dyes and capped with different gating ensembles are prepared and characterized. N1 and N2 nanoparticles are loaded with rhodamine 6G and capped with bulky poly(ethylene glycol) derivatives bearing ester groups (1 and 2). N3-N4 nanoparticles are loaded with sulforhodamine B and capped with self-immolative derivatives bearing ester moieties. In the absence of esterase enzyme negligible cargo release from N1, N3 and N4 nanoparticles is observed whereas a remarkable release for N2 is obtained most likely due to the formation of an irregular coating on the outer surface of the nanoparticles. In contrast, a marked delivery is found in N1, N3, and N4 in the presence of esterase enzyme. The delivery rate is related to the hydrophilic/hydrophobic character of the coating shell. The use of hydrophilic poly(ethylene glycol) derivatives as gating ensembles on N1 and N2 enables an easy access of esterase to the ester moieties with subsequent fast cargo release. On the other hand, the presence of a hydrophobic monolayer on N3 and N4 partially hinders esterase enzyme access to the ester groups and the rate of cargo release was decreased.

Science and Technology of Advanced Materials published new progress about Dyes. 23783-42-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol, and the molecular formula is C9H20O5, Name: 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol.

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Duriatti, Albert’s team published research in Biochemical Pharmacology in 1985-08-01 | CAS: 622-86-6

Biochemical Pharmacology published new progress about Corn. 622-86-6 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is (2-Chloroethoxy)benzene, and the molecular formula is C8H9ClO, SDS of cas: 622-86-6.

Duriatti, Albert published the artcileIn vitro inhibition of animal and higher plants 2,3-oxidosqualene-sterol cyclases by 2-aza-2,3-dihydrosqualene and derivatives, and by other ammonium-containing molecules, SDS of cas: 622-86-6, the main research area is oxidosqualene sterol cyclase intermediate analog inhibitor; plant oxidosqualene sterol cyclase inhibitor; liver oxidosqualene sterol cyclase inhibitor.

2-Aza-2,3-dihydrosqualene and related mols., a series of new compounds designed as analogs of the transient carbocationic high-energy intermediate occurring in the oxirane ring opening during cyclization of 2,3-oxidosqualene, were tested in vitro as inhibitors of the microsomal 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclase of animals (rat liver) and of higher plants (maize, pea). These mols. proved to be good and specific inhibitors for the cyclases of both phyla. The inhibition is due to pos. charged species and is sensitive to steric hindrance around the N atom. 4,4,10β-Trimethyl-trans-decal-3β-ol and 4,10β-dimethyl-trans-decal-3β-ol, which have previously been described (J. A. Nelson et al., 1978) as inhibitors of the 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclase of CHO cells, were noncompetitive inhibitors of the rat liver microsomal enzyme and presented no activity towards the higher plants cyclases. Aza derivatives of these decalines, which were aimed to mimic the C-8 carbocationic intermediate occurring during later steps of the 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclization did not inhibit the cyclases. This result underlines the theor. limitations of the high-energy analog concept in designing enzyme inhibitors. Among mols. tested, 2,3-epiminosqualene was a reversible, noncompetitive inhibitor of the cyclases; similarly U18666A was a very potent inhibitor of the microsomal cyclases. In contrast, AMO 1618, a known anticholesterolemic agent reported previously to act at the level of the 2,3-oxidosqualene cyclization step, did not appear to act directly on the cyclases.

Biochemical Pharmacology published new progress about Corn. 622-86-6 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is (2-Chloroethoxy)benzene, and the molecular formula is C8H9ClO, SDS of cas: 622-86-6.

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Qian, Xiaomin’s team published research in ACS Applied Nano Materials in 2020-04-24 | CAS: 23783-42-8

ACS Applied Nano Materials published new progress about Beer. 23783-42-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol, and the molecular formula is C9H20O5, Safety of 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol.

Qian, Xiaomin published the artcileDistinguishing Commercial Beers Using a Solution-Based Sensor Array Derived from Nanoscale Polydiacetylene Vesicles, Safety of 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol, the main research area is polydiacetylene vesicle solution sensor array beer.

The fast and effective discrimination of different liquid mixtures such as beers is a long-standing challenge in the food and beverage industry. We report the fabrication of a solution-based sensor array derived from nanoscale polydiacetylene (PDA) vesicles to distinguish different ethanol containing aqueous solutions supplemented with different model flavor compounds relevant in beers. The sensitivity of the sensors was significantly affected by the head group modification of the diacetylenes and the composition of the sensors. Finally, a selected set of sensors was utilized as a sensor array to distinguish different com. beers in combination with statistical data anal. This approach represents an effort toward the employment of low-cost sensors with an easy read-out for the fast discrimination of different beverages.

ACS Applied Nano Materials published new progress about Beer. 23783-42-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol, and the molecular formula is C9H20O5, Safety of 2,5,8,11-Tetraoxatridecan-13-ol.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Chadha, Vijay K.’s team published research in Journal of Medicinal Chemistry in 1983 | CAS: 16332-06-2

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry published new progress about Liver. 16332-06-2 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2-Methoxyacetamide, and the molecular formula is C3H7NO2, HPLC of Formula: 16332-06-2.

Chadha, Vijay K. published the artcileInhibition by carboxamides and sulfoxides of liver alcohol dehydrogenase and ethanol metabolism, HPLC of Formula: 16332-06-2, the main research area is liver alc dehydrogenase carboxamide sulfoxide; ethanol metabolism carboxamide sulfoxide; alc metabolism carboxamide sulfoxide.

Sulfoxides and amides were tested as inhibitors of liver alc. dehydrogenase  [9031-72-5] and of EtOH [64-17-5] metabolism in rats. With both series of compounds, increasing the hydrophobicity resulted in better inhibition, and introduction of polar groups reduced inhibition. Of the cyclic sulfoxides, tetramethylene sulfoxide (I) [1600-44-8] was the best inhibitor as compared to the tri- [13153-11-2] and pentamethylene analogs [4988-34-5] and other compounds, and it may be a transition-state analog. The most promising compounds, I and isovaleramide  [541-46-8], were essentially uncompetitive inhibitors of purified horse and rat liver alc. dehydrogenases with respect to EtOH as substrate. These compounds also were uncompetitive inhibitors in vivo, which is advantageous since the inhibition is not overcome at higher concentrations of EtOH, as it is with competitive inhibitors, such as pyrazole. The uncompetitive inhibition constants for I and isovaleramide for rat liver alc. dehydrogenase were 200 and 20 μM, resp. in vitro, whereas in vivo the values were 340 and 180 μmol/kg, resp. The differences in the values may be due to metabolism or distribution of the compounds Further studies will be required to determine if isovaleramide or I is suitable for therapeutic purposes.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry published new progress about Liver. 16332-06-2 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2-Methoxyacetamide, and the molecular formula is C3H7NO2, HPLC of Formula: 16332-06-2.

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Lei, Caiyu’s team published research in Food Research International in 2020-05-31 | CAS: 121-00-6

Food Research International published new progress about Grape. 121-00-6 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 4-Hydroxy-3-tert-butylanisole, and the molecular formula is C11H16O2, Computed Properties of 121-00-6.

Lei, Caiyu published the artcileMolecular hybridization of grape seed extract: Synthesis, structural characterization and anti-proliferative activity in vitro, Computed Properties of 121-00-6, the main research area is grape seed antiproliferative structural property; Anti-proliferation; Antioxidant; Grape seed extract; HepG2 cell; Hybridization.

The grape seed extract (GSE) hybridized with medium-chain saturated fatty acids (decanoic acid) exhibited higher lipophilicity, antioxidant activity, and anti-proliferative activity than its parents. The chem. structures of individual hybridized GSE derivatives were identified as 3′-O-decanoyl catechin, 3′-O-decanoyl epicatechin, 3′, 5′-2-O-decanoyl epigallocatechin, and 3′, 4′, 3”, 5”-4-O-decanoyl epicatechin gallate by HPLC-MS2 and 1H and 13C NMR. For growth inhibitory effect on HepG2 cells, hybridized GSE derivatives (EC50 = 44.38μg/mL) were significantly (p < 0.01) stronger than natural GSE (EC50 = 60.83μg/mL) due to increased lipophilicity. The effects of GSE derivatives on apoptosis and cell cycle in HepG2 cells were further evaluated by flow cytometry. The results showed that the percentage of apoptotic cells increased markedly in the presence of hybridized GSE derivatives Moreover, hybridized GSE derivatives were capable of inducing cell cycle arrest in G1 phase. This research suggests that hybridized GSE derivatives are effective lipophilic antioxidants and show the potential as adjuvant therapy for cancer. Food Research International published new progress about Grape. 121-00-6 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 4-Hydroxy-3-tert-butylanisole, and the molecular formula is C11H16O2, Computed Properties of 121-00-6.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Nau, Heinz’s team published research in Nature (London, United Kingdom) in 1986-09-24 | CAS: 16332-06-2

Nature (London, United Kingdom) published new progress about Drugs. 16332-06-2 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2-Methoxyacetamide, and the molecular formula is C3H7NO2, Name: 2-Methoxyacetamide.

Nau, Heinz published the artcileWeak acids may act as teratogens by accumulating in the basic milieu of the early mammalian embryo, Name: 2-Methoxyacetamide, the main research area is acidic drug accumulation fetus teratogenesis.

Among the 11 drugs or chems. which are well-documented human teratogens, 8 (or their main metabolites) are weak acids whereas none is a weak base. Moreover, 23 out of 32 acids tested were teratogenic in at least 1 animal species. The acidic property of drugs may therefore be an important determinant of teratogenicity. The intracellular pH (pHi) of the mouse and rat embryo is higher than that of maternal plasma, as determined by the relative accumulation of dimethadione  [695-53-4]. The antiepileptic drug valproic acid  [99-66-1] and its pharmacol. active unsaturated metabolite accumulate in embryonic tissue to higher concentrations than in maternal plasma, whereas the essentially neutral amide of valproic acid (valpromide  [2430-27-5]) or ethosuximide  [77-67-8] do not accumulate in the embryo; in the rat the pHi of the embryo decreases with advancing gestation; in general agreement with the pH partiton hypothesis, the exposure of the embryo to valproic acid also decreases significantly during that period. Furthermore, the amides of 2 weak acid teratogens, valpromide and methoxyacetamide  [16332-06-2], and ethosuximide, are much less teratogenic than their acid counterparts. Thus, weakly acidic drugs, by virtue of their physicochem. nature, accumulate in the early embryo with its relatively high pHi.

Nature (London, United Kingdom) published new progress about Drugs. 16332-06-2 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2-Methoxyacetamide, and the molecular formula is C3H7NO2, Name: 2-Methoxyacetamide.

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Bentley, William Henry’s team published research in Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions in 1896 | CAS: 622-86-6

Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions published new progress about Esters. 622-86-6 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is (2-Chloroethoxy)benzene, and the molecular formula is C8H9ClO, Formula: C8H9ClO.

Bentley, William Henry published the artcileXVIII. – On γ-phenoxy-derivatives of malonic acid and acetic acid, and various compounds used in the synthesis of these acids, Formula: C8H9ClO, the main research area is .

This paper contains a description of a number of compounds which were prepared in the course of a research, not yet completed, on the synthesis of methylisopropyltetramethylenedicarboxylic acid. This acid possesses especial interest from the fact that its formula was for a long time considered as the most probable expression of the constitution of camphoric acid.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions published new progress about Esters. 622-86-6 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is (2-Chloroethoxy)benzene, and the molecular formula is C8H9ClO, Formula: C8H9ClO.

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Jia, Wei’s team published research in Food Chemistry in 2020-06-15 | CAS: 121-00-6

Food Chemistry published new progress about Baijiu. 121-00-6 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 4-Hydroxy-3-tert-butylanisole, and the molecular formula is C11H16O2, Related Products of ethers-buliding-blocks.

Jia, Wei published the artcileFoodomics analysis of natural aging and gamma irradiation maturation in Chinese distilled Baijiu by UPLC-Orbitrap-MS/MS, Related Products of ethers-buliding-blocks, the main research area is Baijiu gamma irradiation flavor; Aging; Baijiu; Foodomics; Gamma irradiation.

Classification of Feng-flavor Baijiu considering aging category was furnished with a comprehensive fingerprinting strategy which used UPLC-Orbitrap and foodomics, and the most discriminant 29 compounds related to aging, 15 organic acids, 8 esters as well as some carbonyl compounds were discovered. Increase of aromatic organic acids, decline of carcinogenic di-Bu phthalate and generation of numerous aromatic substances in Baijiu were caused by irradiation until the system reached a relatively stable state which needed 28 days. It is similarity of phys. and chem. reaction process of natural aging and irradiation maturation that both can facilitate flavor of base Baijiu, while the aging time can be plainly shorten utilizing irradiation for Baijiu, whose outcome has been demonstrated by LC-MS and sensory evaluation. The combination of UPLC-Orbitrap and foodomics was applied as a valid tactic to analyze a complex system and gamma irradiation can be a powerful tool to promote Baijiu aging.

Food Chemistry published new progress about Baijiu. 121-00-6 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 4-Hydroxy-3-tert-butylanisole, and the molecular formula is C11H16O2, Related Products of ethers-buliding-blocks.

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Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem

Chirkov, Yu. G.’s team published research in Russian Journal of Electrochemistry in 2019-09-30 | CAS: 143-24-8

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry published new progress about Anodes. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, COA of Formula: C10H22O5.

Chirkov, Yu. G. published the artcileRegular biporous model of active layer of the Lithium-Oxygen battery positive electrode, COA of Formula: C10H22O5, the main research area is lithium oxygen battery pos electrode regular biporous model.

To perform the oxygen reduction reaction effectively, the active layer of the lithium-oxygen battery pos. electrode must have developed surface possessing a complicated pore structure. During discharge (the oxygen reaction cathodic component), the electrode accumulates lithium peroxide, a final product of electrochem. and chem. reactions (resulting in the conjunction of lithium ions, oxygen mols. and electrons); the latter undergoes oxidation (the oxygen reaction anodic component) during the lithium-oxygen battery charging. The lithium peroxide is a water-insoluble compound that has no electronic conduction; when depositing on the electrode surface it seals openings of narrow pores and prevents oxygen penetration therein. To obtain more lithium peroxide via oxygen reduction in the presence of lithium ions, a cluster of large pores, practically unsealed with the lithium peroxide, is produced in the active layer; the pores supply oxygen deep into the active layer. The Li2O2 accumulation occurs in a cluster of lesser pores with developed surface. In the creating of the lithium-oxygen battery pos. electrode active layer optimal structure, the difficulty is that some key quantities are unknown in advance. They are the large-scale and lesser pore average size and their volume fractions in the active layer. To solve the problem, the regular biporous model of the pore structure can be used. In the model, the pore radii are strictly fixed. This opens a relatively easy way for the interconnecting, by calculations, of parameters and the lithium-oxygen battery dimensioning specifications during its discharge. This work aimed at the proposing of the pos. electrode active layer regular biporous model and developing of a procedure for the calculating of the lithium-oxygen battery dimensioning specifications during the discharge. It is shown, in a specific context, how the varying of the pos. electrode active layer structure and the oxygen consumption constant k can control the Li2O2 accumulation.

Russian Journal of Electrochemistry published new progress about Anodes. 143-24-8 belongs to class ethers-buliding-blocks, name is 2,5,8,11,14-Pentaoxapentadecane, and the molecular formula is C10H22O5, COA of Formula: C10H22O5.

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem