Beyer, H. published the artcileThe formation of bisformamidine sulfides and isoureas, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks, the publication is Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig) (1963), 20(5-6), 263-74, database is CAplus.
cf. CA 58, 2388d. RNHCSNH2 (0.02 mole) and 0.01 mole R’2NCN disolved in 15 ml. 5.6% absolute alc. HCl gave S[C(:NH)NHR]2.2HCl (I) (all with decomposition). In this way, SC(NH2)2 (II) with Et2NCN (III), (CH2:CHCH2)2NCN (IV), Bu2NCN (V), PhNHCN, o-ClC6H4NHCN, p-MeC6H4NHCN, or BzNHCN (VI) gave 79, 85, 85, 47, 79, 52, or 74% I (R = H), m. 180°; MeNHCSNH2 with III, IV, V, or MeNHCN gave 90, 90, 95, or 94% l (R = Me), m. 161°; EtNHCSNH2 with III, IV, V, VI, or EtNHCN gave 57, 60, 69, 71, or 82% I (R = Et), m. 163°; CH2:CHCH2NHCSNH2 with IV gave 55% I (R = CH2:CHCH2), m. 136-7°; PrNHCSNH2 with IV gave 51% I (R = Pr), m. 156-7°; BuNHCSNH2 with V gave 60% I (R = Bu), m. 147°; MeEtCHNHSNH2 with IV or V gave 90% l (R = MeEtCH), m. 160-2°; PhCH2NHCSNH2 with IV, V, or PhCH2NHCN gave 51, 54, or 81% I (R = PhCH2), m. 179-81°; and PhCH2CH2NHCSNH2 with IV or V gave 80 or 83% I (R = PhCH2CH2), m. 162-3°. (PhNH)2CS and III in 15 ml. 5.6% alc. HCl gave 22% [PhNH(PhN:)Cl2S.HCl, m. 248-51°; PhNHCSNH2 and PhNHCN in 7.5 ml. 5.5% alc. HCl gave 72% [PhNH(HN:)Cl2S.HCl, m. 147°; Et2NCSNH2 and III 4-5 weeks in alc. HCl gave 45% [Et2N(HN:)Cl2S.HCl, m. 139-40°. From the mother liquors of I from II with III, IV, or V, 31% Et2NCSNH2, m. 101-2°, 38% (CH2:CHCH2)2NCSNH2, or 38% Bu2NCSNH2, m. 58-9°, was isolated. Treating 0.02 mole VI with 0.02 mole PrOH, BuOH, MeEtCHOH, AmOH, or iso-AmOH (all containing HCl) gave 62% BzNHC(:NH)OR.HCl (VII) (R = Pr). m. 97° (free base m. 45°; picrate m. 140°], 86% VII (R = Bu) (VIII), m. 80° (free base 42°; yellow picrate m. 130-1°), 55% VII (R = MeEtCH) (IX), m. 104° (free base m. 54°; yellow picrate m. 136°), 83% VII (R = Am), m. 75° (free base m. 54°; picrate m. 131°), or 81% VII (R = iso-Am), m. 64° (yellow picrate m. 133°). Keeping a solution of 1.5 g. VI overnight in 15 ml. absolute alc. HCl gave 80% BzNHCONH2 (X), m. 215°. Passing HCl gas into an equimol. mixture of p-MeC6H4CONHCN and PrOH and keeping overnight yielded 78% p-MeC6H1CONHCONH2, m. 232°, and 51% PrCl. Heating 2.2 g. IX in 10 ml. 8.2% HBr in dioxane gave 91% BzNHCONH2 and MetEtCHBr, identified via the S-isobutylisothiuronium picrate, m. 167°. Refluxing 11 g. VIII with AcOH gave 48% AcOBu, b. 125-6°. H2NCN and Et2NCONH2 did not reach in the presence of HCl. VII also were split by HBr and HI, giving the corresponding alkyl halides.
Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig) published new progress about 14807-75-1. 14807-75-1 belongs to ethers-buliding-blocks, auxiliary class Salt,Thiourea,Amine,Aliphatic hydrocarbon chain, name is Formamidine disulfide dihydrochloride, and the molecular formula is C2H8Cl2N4S2, Category: ethers-buliding-blocks.
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