D′Auria, Maurizio; Racioppi, Rocco published an article in 2022, the title of the article was Characterization of the volatile fraction of mastic oil and mastic gum.Formula: C8H10O And the article contains the following content:
GC-MS of Et acetate solutions and HS-SPME-GC-MS of mastic oil and mastic gum showed the presence of α-pinene and β-myrcene as main components of the mixture In the GC-MS anal. of mastic oil 19 compounds were detected, while mastic gum allowed to detect only twelve compounds Mastic gum showed the presence of compounds with a higher mol. weight In HS-SPME anal. the amount of β-myrcene increased in comparison to the results obtained in the analyses performed in solution The relative ratio between α-pinene and β-myrcene showed that SPME anal. induces a preferential detection for β-myrcene (α-pinene/β-myrcene in the mastic oil 16.18 in GC-MS anal., and 5.06 in SPME anal.; α-pinene/β-myrcene in mastic gum 10.64 in GC-MS anal., and 2.25 in SPME anal.). These results can be explained considering a different absorption selectivity of these compounds on the SPME fiber. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-Methylanisole(cas: 578-58-5).Formula: C8H10O
The Article related to mastic oil gum, mastic oil, gas chromatography – mass spectrometry, mastic gum, solid phase microextraction, Placeholder for records without volume info and other aspects.Formula: C8H10O
Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem