Blanco, E. et al. published their research in Catalysis Today in 2020 |CAS: 578-58-5

The Article related to guaiacol conversion transition metal carbide supported activated carbon catalyst, Catalysis, Reaction Kinetics, and Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms: Catalytic Reactions and other aspects.Product Details of 578-58-5

On October 1, 2020, Blanco, E.; Sepulveda, C.; Cruces, K.; Garcia-Fierro, J. L.; Ghampson, I. T.; Escalona, N. published an article.Product Details of 578-58-5 The title of the article was Conversion of guaiacol over metal carbides supported on activated carbon catalysts. And the article contained the following:

The preparation and use of new supported transition metal carbides as catalyst for the conversion of guaiacol was studied. Several metals (Mo, Re, Ru, Ni, Fe, and Cu) were impregnated over activated C and carburized under a mixture of H2/C2H4 at 700°. Catalysts were characterized by XRD, N2 physisorption, XPS, CO chemisorption, and TPR-MS. Evidence for carbide formation was obtained in the case of Mo, Re, Ni and Ru, based primarily on CO formation during the TPR-MS anal. Carbides were mainly active for primary guaiacol conversion to phenol and catechol through demethoxylation and demethylation. Completely deoxygenated products such as benzene and cyclohexane were also formed. The highest selectivity in benzene was obtained for the Re-TPR catalyst while Ni-TPR was the most hydrogenative one. The experimental process involved the reaction of 2-Methylanisole(cas: 578-58-5).Product Details of 578-58-5

The Article related to guaiacol conversion transition metal carbide supported activated carbon catalyst, Catalysis, Reaction Kinetics, and Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms: Catalytic Reactions and other aspects.Product Details of 578-58-5

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