Higginson, Bradley et al. published their research in Synlett in 2021 |CAS: 91-16-7

The Article related to aryl bromide thf nickel catalyst photodehalogenation, arene preparation, deuterated arene preparation, Benzene, Its Derivatives, and Condensed Benzenoid Compounds: Hydrocarbons (Saturated and Unsaturated Side Chains) and other aspects.Formula: C8H10O2

On October 31, 2021, Higginson, Bradley; Sanjose-Orduna, Jesus; Gu, Yiting; Martin, Ruben published an article.Formula: C8H10O2 The title of the article was Nickel-Catalyzed Photodehalogenation of Aryl Bromides. And the article contained the following:

Herein, Ni-catalyzed photodehalogenation of aryl bromides under visible-light irradiation that utilizes THF as hydrogen source were described. The protocol obviated the need for exogenous amine reductants or photocatalysts and was characterized by its simplicity and broad scope, including challenging substrate combinations. The experimental process involved the reaction of 1,2-Dimethoxybenzene(cas: 91-16-7).Formula: C8H10O2

The Article related to aryl bromide thf nickel catalyst photodehalogenation, arene preparation, deuterated arene preparation, Benzene, Its Derivatives, and Condensed Benzenoid Compounds: Hydrocarbons (Saturated and Unsaturated Side Chains) and other aspects.Formula: C8H10O2

Ether – Wikipedia,
Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem