Brief introduction of 103-50-4

Computed Properties of C14H14O. Welcome to talk about 103-50-4, If you have any questions, you can contact Chiosso, ME; Casella, ML; Merlo, AB or send Email.

An article Synthesis and catalytic evaluation of acidic carbons in the etherification of glycerol obtained from biodiesel production WOS:000662269700004 published article about BENZYL ALCOHOL; CRUDE GLYCEROL; CONVERSION; DEACTIVATION; ETHERS; FUEL in [Chiosso, Maria E.; Casella, Monica L.] Univ Nacl Noroeste Prov Buenos Aires, Dept Ciencias Basicas & Expt, Roque Saenz Pena 456, RA-6000 Junin, Argentina; [Chiosso, Maria E.; Casella, Monica L.] UNNOBA, UNSAdA, CONICET, Ctr Invest & Transferencia Noroeste Prov Buenos A, Monteagudo 2772, RA-2700 Pergamino, Argentina; [Chiosso, Maria E.; Merlo, Andrea B.] Univ Nacl La Plata, CONICET La Plata, CCT, Ctr Invest & Desarrollo Ciencias Aplicadas Dr Jor, Calle 47 257, RA-1900 La Plata, Argentina in 2021, Cited 37. The Name is Benzyl ether. Through research, I have a further understanding and discovery of 103-50-4. Computed Properties of C14H14O

In this paper, the catalytic behaviour of carbonaceous system (Ccs) functionalized with -SO3H groups were studied in the etherification of refined (Gly) and crude glycerol (GlyC), with benzyl alcohol (BA). This Ccs was obtained by a synthetic method with low energetic cost in only 24 h. Its catalytic activity and selectivity were studied varying the catalyst percentage (2.5, 5 and 10 wt.%), the initial reactant molar ratio and temperature (between 80 and 120 degrees C). A very good catalytic performance was achieved (97 % conversion after 360 min of reaction), at 120 degrees C, Gly:BA = 3:1 and 10 wt.% of Ccs. The high activity can be attributed to high acid site density (6.4 mmol H+/g), that also allowed us to working at lower reaction temperature (100 degrees C) and with less catalyst concentration (2.5 wt.%), without observing significant loss in BA conversion. Monoether (ME1) was the major product of the reaction with 72 % selectivity. The material can be reused and still gives a notable conversion of BA (about 43 %) after three successive reuses. Finally, the Ccs was active and selective to the desired products in the etherification of crude glycerol (GlyC) derived of biodiesel industry. An important BA conversion (45 %) was obtained only reducing the water content of GlyC and without carrying out any other purification and/or neutralization treatment.

Computed Properties of C14H14O. Welcome to talk about 103-50-4, If you have any questions, you can contact Chiosso, ME; Casella, ML; Merlo, AB or send Email.

Ether – Wikipedia,
,Ether | (C2H5)2O – PubChem